Embracing Spirituality as a Path Towards Attaining Excellence in Faith

There is no blame on those who believe and do good for what they had consumed before ˹the prohibition˺, as long as they fear Allah, have faith and do what is good; then they believe and act virtuously, then become fully mindful ˹of Allah˺ and do righteous deeds. For Allah loves the good-doers. — Qur’an 5[Al-Maidah]:93

Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Jumah Nugget
6 min readJul 28, 2023


Issues around spirituality and religiosity are often debated and misunderstood. In recent times, I have heard a lot of people claiming to be spiritual and not religious. And in reality, it only reflects word of mouth. These include Muslims and non-Muslims, male and female but most times of the younger generation, not the older. Islamic spirituality encompasses the inner dimensions of faith and focuses on the individual relationship with Allah. This is the pursuit of spiritual growth that earns you closeness to your Creator — The Most High. It involves various practices, beliefs, and ideologies that aim to deepen one’s faith and connection with the unseen world. In a nutshell, this is the concept of Ihsan.

Religiosity on the other hand may be referred to as a form of devotion to a particular religious tradition or set of beliefs. It encompasses adherence to religious doctrines, observance of rituals, and engagement with religious institutions. This often involves participation in religious ceremonies and activities within a religious community. It focuses more on the external aspects of religion, such as worship, rituals, and religious authority. While spirituality is deeply entrenched in the internal aspects of faith, religiosity is more of what you see being practiced externally.

In this piece, I’m hoping we can focus on how to harness Islamic spirituality to attain consciousness of Allah. It is a more individualistic approach pertaining to one’s quest for meaning, connection, and transcendence. It encompasses your inner life, personal experiences, values, beliefs, manners, and the search for a deeper understanding of the self. Islamic Spirituality can be experienced in various ways and we shall examine some of the practices leading the way.

The Disparity

Religiosity and spirituality are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings and emphasize different aspects of one’s relationship with Allah. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between the two using some key concepts and examples:

  1. Institutional vs. Personal: Religiosity is oftentimes associated with organized religious institutions and their established structural practices. Spirituality on the other hand focuses on personal experiences and individual efforts that strengthen one’s belief and connection with Allah. Example: Part of basic religiosity in Islam is to establish the five daily prayers at their stated time. Spirituality helps you take the extra mile by observing it with khushoo and in line with the prophetic methodology.
  2. Outer vs. Inner: Religiosity emphasizes external religious practices, rituals, and doctrines. Spirituality emphasizes inner experiences, personal growth, and the exploration of deeper meanings. Example: Using Hajj, Religiosity may lead someone to perform hajj and all they return with is sightseeing, live photos/videos, and complain of a crowded experience. Spirituality lets them experience the signs of Allah, which leads to an increase in faith and steadfastness.
  3. Collective vs. Individual: Religiosity often involves participation in communal religious activities. Spirituality is more individually oriented, focusing on personal development and one’s individual relationship with Allah. Example: A basic religious practice is that a mature Muslim man observes his five daily prayers in the masjid. Spirituality leads him to wake up in the middle of the night to observe supererogatory prayers when no one is seeing him.

It’s important to note that these are just a few distinctions and may not be absolute. At times, there could be an overlap between religiosity and spirituality. One fact remains: religiosity is the basic bedrock while spirituality is the icing on the cake. Not every religious person is spiritual but every spiritual person is most likely religious.

How Can We Become More Spiritual?

The path to spirituality is a broad one leading to one’s personal quest for meaning, connection, and transcendence. It encapsulates your personal experiences, values, beliefs, and the search for a deeper understanding of the self and the universe. Spirituality involves exploring and engaging in introspection, seeking a sense of purpose, and cultivating a connection with Allah.

This was why Jibril asked the Prophet peace be upon him to tell him about Ihsan and Allah’s Apostle responded: “It is that you should serve Allah as though you could see Him, for though you cannot see Him yet He sees you.”

Here are some key aspects of Islamic spirituality that you should pay attention to for growth:

  1. Tawhid — Islamic Monotheism: Tawhid is a fundamental concept in Islam, emphasizing the belief in the oneness of Allah. It is the foundation of Islamic spirituality that guides all your actions toward the worship and remembrance of Allah.
  2. As-Salah — The Prayer: Prayer is a great pillar in Islamic spirituality. The one who abandons it is like he’s left faith. Performing the prayers appropriately takes you away from immoral acts and draws you nearer to the remembrance of Allah. This is why it’s essential for spiritual growth.
  3. Dhikr — The Remembrance of Allah: Dhikr refers to a subconscious way of remembering Allah through the recitation of His names, phrases, or verses from the Quran. It helps to focus the mind and heart on Allah and serves as a means of spiritual tranquility.
  4. Muraqabah — Mindfulness: This is a state of consciousness and being mindful of Allah at all times. Knowing that Allah’s knowledge, sight, and hearing encompass all. Taking time for self-reflection, introspection, and contemplation is also considered to be very important in Islamic spirituality.
  5. Ilm — Knowledge Seeking: Islamic spirituality encourages the acquisition of religious and spiritual knowledge. This is because ignorance is misleading and knowledge is a guide. The knowledge you seek will only benefit you spiritually when you set out with good intentions, learn, understand, implement, and teach others too.
  6. Adab — Manners: Islamic spirituality emphasizes the importance of kindness, compassion, and service to others. It helps you to be selfless and want good for others over yourself.
  7. Purification of the soul: A truly spiritual person pays attention to matters of the heart. He’s conscious of what he feeds it, the thoughts that emanate from it, and how to bring oneself back. Here, you’d need to often check your intention from time to time.
  8. More acts of worship: People of spirituality do not settle with the bare minimum. They up their game by going the extra mile. This in turn draws them nearer to Allah and earns Allah’s love.
  9. Sabr — Patience: Spirituality is a journey that takes time and effort. You’d need to practice self-compassion by being patient with yourself. Understand that setbacks may occur, but stay focused, committed, and keep moving forward.
  10. Not Settling: A person of spirituality is not satisfied with his status quo even when he’s doing his best. He’s always aspiring to do more and he’s fearful of his deeds not being nullified. He’s fearful of hypocrisy and show-off while constantly asking Allah for forgiveness and acceptance.

In sum, spirituality in Islam involves a comprehensive approach to life. It integrates worship, moral conduct, and seeking a deep connection with Allah. It shows the importance of aligning one’s actions and intentions with the teachings of Islam, while also striving for self-improvement, inner peace, and the attainment of spiritual enlightenment. The goal is to develop a deep connection with Allah by purifying the soul and attaining spiritual growth and enlightenment.

PS: Success comes only by the will of Allah! If you find this piece beneficial, it’s by Allah’s Grace. It’s no scholarly work and we accept our mistakes. Suggestions are welcomed in making this effort better as well. You are free to share by any means for enlightenment purposes. Kindly give a “click-clap” to enable other readers on Medium to see this post. We ask Allah to keep us guided and steadfast upon the right path. Do subscribe to Jum’ah Nugget so as to get our next publication in sha Allah!

Yaumul Jum’ah 10th Muharam 1445H // Friday 28th July 2023.



Dhun Nurayn El Shabazz
Jumah Nugget

I am a Learner, Writer, Teacher. #DeenCentric #Solopreneur #TechEnthusiast. Follow my podcast “Pure Masculinity” on Apple Podcast, YouTube, & Spotify.