Nauticus Exchange will support Chinese Yuan at launch & six other fiat currencies

Nauticus Blockchain
Nauticus blockchain
1 min readApr 17, 2018
“An impressive city skyline on an evening” by Adi Constantin on Unsplash

Nauticus Exchange today announced it will support the Chinese Yuan (RMB/CNY) at launch.

Due to open in the coming months, the Yuan will join six other fiat currencies on the exchange: USD, EUR, JPY, HKD, AUD and ZAR.

The decision to support the Chinese Yuan was prompted by our user survey, in which more than 7000 respondents requested the currency.

The news will be welcomed in countries and regions where the Yuan circulates including Hong Kong, Macau, Pakistan, Mongolia, northern Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.

The move to accept RMB/CNY will also position Nauticus to be able to accommodate Chinese customers when the country’s ban on cryptocurrency exchanges is finally lifted.

“We expect that at some point in the future, the ban will be lifted for properly regulated exchanges,” said COO Jonathan Chang.

“Nauticus is registered with the Australian Government regulator AUSTRAC and complies with all of the relevant anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing rules.”

-Andrew Fenton



Nauticus Blockchain
Nauticus blockchain

Nauticus provides user-friendly, efficient and secure crypto banking, payments and eCommerce solutions utilising blockchain technology.