Now available: new mobile composer, enhanced upload capacity, video links, push notifications & more

Published in
5 min readAug 10, 2022

Our biggest update ever

Hello again!

Earlier this year, we showcased several improvements to the mobile user experience, from an all-new post composer to reachable menus and buttons, along with an all-new identity on the Atmos splash screen. We’re happy to announce that these new revisions have finally passed our rigorous quality checks and hardware testing, and are now available on Atmos!

New mobile identity

Atmos on mobile is now better than ever before, with the modular Horizon design language helping to bring every feature from our desktop composer to mobile. Horizon is designed to complement the hardware it’s running on, and these new redesigns for mobile help us achieve just that.

Always within reach

Pop-up menus are now within easy reach on mobile devices, bringing their contents closer to the bottom of the display, with even easier access to navigational buttons. These new pop-up menus are designed to be dynamic, and will restructure themselves depending on the context at hand.

Stay connected even from afar

Atmos now supports push notifications for compatible web browsers on Android devices & PCs, letting you stay connected and in the loop even if Atmos isn’t open. We’ll be supporting those two platforms to start, with eventual support of Apple’s Web Push technologies in the coming months, which will bring push notification support to iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and Safari on macOS Ventura users by the end of 2023.

Note: Some browsers may require you to use Google services for push messaging. Refer to your browser’s support documentation for more information, or contact us for additional support.

A new face to welcome you

WarpLight platforms and services are designed to not only be for everyone, everywhere, but to also provide approachable, user-friendly experiences. Our new splash screen design will be used across all of our platforms and services, with a bold new insignia resting at the bottom of the screen, acting as a seal of quality for what we create and do. When you see DESIGNED & BUILT BY WARPLIGHT, you can trust that you’re getting a carefully designed, next-generation UX with privacy standards you deserve from day-one.

Share the finest details

Now you can upload up to 300 MB & 480 MP of total lossless image media per post across 30 images, freeing you from the worries of a looming compression algorithm like on other platforms, or last-gen upload limits as if we’re still living in the early 2000's. For all users, each image can be up to 10 MB & 16 MP in size for lossless posting, and in the future, WarpLight Quantum subscribers can get an even higher industry-leading upload capacity, which we will announce at a later time. For images that might not fit on Atmos yet, our unique link-embed design can quickly redirect your followers to your content on alternative hosting sites.

A new dimension of media

When adding a link to your post which points to a supported video format, Atmos can now intelligently summon the video after posting and embed it perfectly within your post, bringing in video playback, controls, and even full-screen viewing. This will allow users to share any length of video at any quality, helping to preserve server resources. Support for native video uploading & playback will be supported in a future update.

Supported video formats include MP4, MOV, WebM, MKV, WMV, MPG, MPEG, AVI, OGV, & 3GP.

None of the nonsense

Unlike other platforms, we don’t use malicious algorithms to hide, de-prioritize, or manipulate the distribution of user content based on post contents, profile metrics, or other information, nor do we go out of our way to remove user profiles or other content from our search results or suggestions, unless the content violates our platform policies. Plus, Atmos doesn’t bias the sorting or visibility of posts based on their contents, such as media or text phrases, providing a level playing field for all of our users, big and small. After all, Atmos is for everyone, everywhere.

For the select few…

One area of content in particular which we do not currently support will be carefully allowed onto the Atmos platform by 2025, allowing an entirely new domain of user-generated content to be safely shared within the Atmos platform, with extensive age-checks, visual blocks, and feature blocks helping to keep this new domain of content within eligible eyes only. Unlike other platforms, we’ll be taking a carefully designed approach to accepting this new domain of content once the time is right.

Our new document, the Atmos Sensitive Content Policy, goes into detail about our methodology regarding the acceptance of sensitive content, how we’ll handle it within the Atmos platform, and lists several terms and conditions that eligible users must follow when engaging with sensitive content. We would like to receive feedback about this document, mainly regarding the list of prohibited domains, as we are aware that there may be more outside of our knowledge that would be in our best interest to strongly prohibit on the Atmos platform.

If you would like to contribute to this document, or provide general feedback, you may contact us anywhere we’re available, and we’ll respond to your messages if it’s necessary.

Please note: The Atmos Sensitive Content Policy is currently inactive, and is expected to go into effect by 2025 or earlier. As per the current revision of the Atmos Platform Guidelines as of August 9th, 2022, sensitive content is still prohibited, and will be removed and result in a WarpLight Account violation.

And that’s what’s new with Atmos! We hope you’ll enjoy these new revisions, and please reach out if you discover something that isn’t behaving normally. You can join our StarLounge communities on Atmos or Discord to chat with other users, report issues, see the latest design previews, and much more.

See you again soon!




UI & UX designer, IT & networking infrastructure professional with 30+ IT certifications, founder of WarpLight which develops next-gen web services