Matic Wallet —Testing Promo

Updates on the wallet testing initiative and rewards

Delroy Bosco
Matic Network


We recently unveiled Matic Wallet to the world and launched a testing program exclusively for Binance users. Matic wallet is a crypto wallet with native support for Matic plasma sidechains and supports Wallet Connect protocol. This testing program had a total of $60,000 worth MATIC tokens as rewards.

Details of the testing program:

Duration: 2019/04/28 8:00 AM — 2019/05/04 8:00 AM (UTC)

Binance users had to follow 3 simple steps to be eligible for the program:

1. Download Matic Wallet(IOS) (Android)and enter their Coupon Code

2. Add testnet funds

3. Send testnet tokens to other accounts

We witnessed a lot of interest from our community and many people were eager to try out the Matic wallet.

We would like to share some metrics from the testing program:

There were few issues that were encountered by users during the contest.The Matic team worked hard to resolve these issues while the rewards program was ongoing to provide a better experience for the users. We are thankful to everyone who shared their valuable feedback with us.

Issues faced and their resolution:

1.Balances were not getting updated in the wallet on Matic Testnet. This was primarily a problem being faced by Russian users as some cloud services utilized by our app were blocked by Internet Providers in Russia.

Solution — We configured and moved some of the cloud services to a new server to resolve this issue.

2. User Interface for phones with smaller displays was not working as expected. Few users reported issues where icons and text overlapped and more importantly, they weren’t able to complete the 2nd step of the program because the button was not accessible.

Solution — We fixed this issue and sent an Over The Top update to all users facing this issue. They were then able to complete the transaction.

3. On clicking the Add Funds button the screen was stuck with the animation indicating processing.

Solution — This again was a minor issue at the back end which was fixed and users were then able to complete the transaction

There was one major grievance that many users reported and that was, the mandated use of Fingerprint or Face ID for using Matic Wallet. However, many users did not have devices that had either of the capabilities and for this reason, they weren’t able to participate in the Binance reward program.

We’d like to take this opportunity to apologize to all users that could not participate because of this limitation. We’d like to THANK everyone for bringing this forward. We had consciously not added PIN support to make the app forward-looking but we soon realized in the Wallet campaign that a large number of users still use PIN-based security. We could not implement the PIN part in the app during the campaign itself because we did not want to roll out a half-baked product in a hurry which would cause more problems for users. We are going to introduce a PIN methodology to authenticate transactions in our upcoming releases.

We would like to congratulate all the 3000 lucky winners of the reward program. Rewards have been distributed to all the winners.


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Delroy Bosco
Matic Network

Weird sense of humor. Photo-Phobic. Noob Writer. Loves Manchester United.