How Much Did Medium Pay Me in 2021 for a Full Year of Writing

With a detailed breakdown of every month.

Joanna Henderson


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I love writing. I’m also a money-motivated person, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. It doesn’t mean that money takes priority over art and creativity. However, you cannot pay your rent or buy groceries with creativity — everyone deserves to be paid for their work. Medium is a great platform to enjoy what we love so much — writing — while making extra money on the side. I strive to turn it into my main source of income one day.

2021 was an interesting year for me in terms of writing. I believe in transparency and sharing my experiences with others. I already wrote about how much I earned in my first full year on the platform, and I intend to keep sharing my progress. I hope it inspires some of you to write and keep going, or maybe you’ll decide it’s not worth it and switch to another venture.

Low and behold, this is how much I earned on Medium for the full year of 2021.

The year started pretty badly. In the same article shared above, I note that my earnings sharply dropped towards the end of 2020. This was the experience of many other writers, and I recall seeing stories titled “My earnings went down by 75% during that period”. Apparently, Medium represented a massive gravy train a few years back…



Joanna Henderson

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.