Progressive Christianity

When the rule seems unjust

Mike Rosebush, PhD
Backyard Church
7 min readApr 27, 2023


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Traditional Christianity is very different than Progressive Christianity.

I should know.

I was a Traditional Evangelical for over 40 years. At that time, I was vice president of Focus on the Family (the most influential Christian ministry in America). I voted Republican at every election — for every candidate and issue (I voted for Donald Trump twice).

It was not until my wife’s cancerous death in 2017 that I became a Progressive Christian. Today I am an exvangelical — having been deeply hurt by evangelicalism. I am now universally out as a gay man, including being married to my husband. Politically I am a registered Independent; I will not be voting for either former president Trump or current governor DeSantis.

In this article, I will highlight five of the key beliefs of Traditional Christianity, plus describe the Progressive Christianity differences.

Christians generally agree that Jesus is God and that we would be wise to follow His example of loving all others. Those two convictions should guide the Christian’s macro theology, worldview, and individual behaviors. And yet, Traditional Christians and Progressive Christians are oil and water on the following five dogmas (stated from the Traditional Christian perspective).

Scripture Alone is the Source of All Truth

Traditional Christians proclaim that the 66 books of the Protestant Bible — and its 31,102 verses — were inspired by God and thus are inerrant. If a person wants to gain wisdom and an answer to how best to live, then one must rely upon the Bible verses alone. Thus, Traditional Christians memorize Bible verses and cite them as their authority. When a Traditionalist argues with a Progressive, the Traditionalist will state certain Bible verses. Done! This form of apologetics allows the Traditionalist to always “hold the high ground” (or so s/he believes). It is folly (even blasphemy!) to go against any verse from the Bible. After all, it is “God’s Word.”

Progressive Christians believe the Bible is sacred and a good source to learn. However, it is not without error and relies upon contextual specificity. Therefore, a Progressive Christian may refer to the Bible but utilize other sources to discover “truth.” For example, one could use one’s own experiences to glean wisdom. Or, perhaps one would be well to pay attention to scientific discovery. Furthermore, Progressives believe it possible for a person to obtain “personalized inspiration” — presuming the Holy Spirit is the influencer.

The tension between Traditional Christians and Progressive Christians is primarily from whether or not the Bible is the sole authority for truth and wisdom. Thus, a Traditionalist will use phrases like, “According to [book] and [verse] from the Bible, we can be assured …” Conversely, the Progressive will express oneself by citing, “In my own experience, I have learned ….

Gay is Bad

Traditionalist Christians often refer to five verses from the Bible to proclaim that anal intercourse between men is an abomination worthy of death and that such people will never inherit the Kingdom of God. Furthermore, Traditionalists will cite Genesis 1:27 and 2:24 (and repeated in Matthew 19:4–5) as their irrefutable truth that marriage is only for one man and one woman. Thus, Traditionalists have consistently viewed gays as a disorder and depravity. Such premise allows the Traditionalist to treat gays as a “lesser than” who does not deserve the same opportunities as straights. Some Traditionalists have viewed gays as a blight upon America’s well-being.

Progressive Christians consider all human life to be sacred inherently and deserve equality. Accordingly, Progressives view gayness as a different form of sexual attraction, identity, and behavior. Thus, Progressives abhor the “us versus them” posturing of straights toward gays. Furthermore, Progressives would celebrate same-sex relationships — and provide churches that affirm gay marriage. To the Progressive Christian who is gay, he views his sexuality as a personal gift from God — one in which his talents are welcomed and necessary.

The tension between Traditional Christians and Progressive Christians is primarily a matter of equality. The Traditionalists would attempt to restrict gays from having the same privileges and status as straights. Thus, a Traditionalist might be apt to say, “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.” Contrarily, Progressives would express that “Gay is good.”

America is a Christian Nation

Traditionalist Christians assert that America was primarily founded by Christian leaders (all white men) who held to the Bible as their authority. Thus, America is a unique nation blessed by God — because the country obeys God’s laws from the Bible. They believe that whenever America falls upon bad times, it is due to Americans failing to stay true to their founding principles (which originated from the Bible). Furthermore, Traditionalists believe that America should be a theocracy — a system of governance ruled by God. “Christian nationality” would maintain that people who love Jesus concurrently love America. And those who do not love Jesus/America are free to leave.

Progressive Christians do not want a theocracy. Instead, they prefer a democracy wherein the majority and Supreme Court govern American policies. Also, Progressives would like America to be guided by virtuous principles rather than Bible verses. For example, Progressive may want an America where “all persons are created equal,” and social justice is the norm. In their worldview, one’s religion must be understood and respected but not demanded.

The tension between Traditional Christians and Progressive Christians is primarily over a theocracy versus a democracy. The Traditionalist would view obedience to the Bible as wise leadership and might be inclined to declare, “One nation under God.” In difference, the Progressive pursues social justice, proclaiming, “Liberty and justice for all.”

Patriarchy is God’s Design for Families and Leadership

Traditionalist Christians believe it is a divine mandate that men rule over women. Such should apply both in the private home and the public workforce. The Traditionalist believes in a metaphorical rainstorm: God shields the man with an umbrella; the man protects the woman, and the woman cares for the children. Thus, Traditionalists believe that whenever this patriarchal hierarchy is not followed, then chaos occurs, and individuals are harmed. Women’s “voice” must be subordinated and respectfully provided. In such an arrangement, there is never a debate or concern over who ultimately reigns over the other; both sexes complement each other.

Progressive Christians have an egalitarian perspective on the role of the man and the woman. Both sexes are inherently viewed as equals, providing gifts to overall success. Accordingly, a woman could be the president of America or a lead pastor. Likewise, a man could give home care for the children. Progressive men have no ego or theological angst over serving the woman leader.

The tension between Traditional Christians and Progressive Christians concerns women’s equal rights. Traditionalists view it as destructive to move away from the “divine” hierarchy that provides family and organizational stability. Such are prone to state, “Men and women complement each other.” Contrastingly, Progressives prize the contributions of all women — even those in positions of power. So, a Progressive might assert, “Equality, not subordination.”

Woke is Dangerous

Traditionalist Christians have become suspicious and disdainful toward those expressing a “Woke” perspective. Woke originated as a term used by Blacks to signify social injustice. Today, woke

“came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for American Left ideas involving identity politics and social justice, such as the notion of white privilege and slavery reparations for African Americans.”

Traditionalists tend to belittle education on Black or LGBTQ history, viewing such as a plot to assert a political objective. Thus, Traditionalists are opposed to providing such education to minors.

Progressive Christians applaud woke efforts. They believe that slavery established a wretched arrangement in America, consistently holding Blacks in an impoverished state. Progressive Christians always supported Blacks — from the days of slavery to today. Progressives acknowledge that Whites have always enjoyed the privilege of wealth handed down from generation to generation. To eradicate this injustice, Progressive Christians favor providing Black education and hopefully some form of reparations for Blacks whose ancestors were enslaved.

The tension between Traditional Christians and Progressive Christians concerns Black power. Traditionalists, from the days of slavery, feared an uprising from the Blacks. Today, they fear that their money and lifestyle may be threatened if Blacks were to receive reparations. A Traditionalist might declare, “I made it in life by working hard; Blacks have the same opportunities today.” Progressives, on the other hand, consider it their moral duty to help Blacks actually experience equal opportunities. Accordingly, a Progressive might state, “Generosity to the poor is the way of Jesus.”


I have lived most of my life as a Traditionalist Christian. My worldview back then seemed godly and bulletproof. However, my transformation into a Progressive Christian was primarily born from the injustice I received as a gay man.

It is an axiom of life: those who like the status quo have no motivation to change; those who have been abused by a ruling class cannot allow the status quo to continue.

Mike Rosebush (Ph.D., Counseling Psychology; he, him, his;) is the creator and editor of GAYoda, plus a writer for Backyard Church. A short synopsis of Dr. Rosebush’s life can be found at I Lived the Most Unusual Gay Christian Life Ever. He may be contacted at



Mike Rosebush, PhD
Backyard Church

Lover of Jesus | Gay Married| Founder/Writer “GAYoda” | Counselor/Encourager