Tumblr is Dead, Long Live Howdoo

Stephen Morrison
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2018

Tumblr has declared war on adult content, with Artificial Intelligence being deployed to target and erase anything that contravenes their new policy, but have they shot themselves in the foot?

“Starting December 17, 2018, we will begin enforcing this new policy. Community members with content that is no longer permitted on Tumblr will get a heads up from us in advance and steps they can take to appeal or preserve their content outside the community if they so choose. All changes won’t happen overnight as something of this complexity takes time.

Another thing, filtering this type of content versus say, a political protest with nudity or the statue of David, is not simple at scale. We’re relying on automated tools to identify adult content and humans to help train and keep our systems in check. We know there will be mistakes, but we’ve done our best to create and enforce a policy that acknowledges the breadth of expression we see in the community.”

While Tumblr CEO, Jeff D’Onofrio explains that the platform will evolve with the help of community members, many are expressing their frustration and are vowing to leave the platform and are declaring that #tumblrisdead.

Others have been left flabbergasted at what Tumblr now perceive as adult content and what it is already erasing and preventing people from viewing.

One can only assume that these fruity mouths were deemed far too suggestive and sexualised.

It has been suggested that this policy and similar policies elsewhere on the internet are a reaction to the passing of the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017 Act in the US. FOSTA, as it is known, will enable civil and criminal action against websites that assist, support or facilitate the the violation of Federal sex trafficking laws and many are reacting in the same way as Tumblr.

It is of no surprise that Facebook is supportive of this legislation and while any and all action to protect sex workers and target sex trafficking has to be considered, we must also consider the artists and champions of sexual identity and diversity who are being silenced.

Is this an effort to curtail illegal content and protect the innocent or is it looking a lot more like a puritanical purge on sexuality and sexual identity?

Debay Miles is a model, tattoo artist, celebrated burlesque performer and Howdoo Launch Supporter. While working at the Edinburgh Fringe and with Scottish Opera and the Libertines she has blazoned a path for others to express their sexuality and their art. Tumblr was a place that she could meaningfully connect with her followers and share her passion for burlesque and indeed, life. Now, she is saddened “that even a photo of me in a standard dress is considered and censored as adult content” and that someone, somewhere thought that “females presenting nipples” was offensive.

Too Hot for Tumblr

Tumblr was, up until now, a place that was a haven for the creative community to express themselves, their art and their thoughts, However, many like Debay are looking for a place that will now welcome them, their content and their communities.

And that place is Howdoo.

Howdoo is a decentralised social media and messaging platform for the next generation, that returns control back to users and content creators and which inspires more rewarding, trusted and value-driven social engagement.

With over 34,000 members, including Debay, registered before our launch later this month, Howdoo is primed to fill the void left by the policies of Tumblr.

But, it will do so much more than fill a void for content creators and curators. Unlike others sites vying for your content, we will make your content accessible to the many.

Howdoo is a place that does not censor your creativity and a place where you can be you, regardless of your art, sexuality, gender or your political beliefs. We are a platform for everyone and a platform that encourages debate, defends free speech and nurtures talent.

As a content creator, you will not only enjoy greater freedom to create the content you want without any censorship of your creativity. You will also enjoy greater financial rewards for your content. Likes, shares and advertising generated from an incentivised following who will be drawn to your channel and the advertising selected by you, the channel owner, will enable you to earn your fair share.

Join the #SocialMediaRevolution and register your unique username in time for launch this month.



Stephen Morrison
Editor for

Writer, lover of life and food, crypto enthusiast and a guy simply trying to do his best