The Email I Wrote to the Creator of _why

_why create

2 min readDec 18, 2013

In April, 2013 _why briefly reappeared . I sent him the following. The subject of the email was "_why create".

_why's creations have made me smile, laugh, even cry. _why has inspired me to create for creations sake, not because of cultural forces or the pursuit of something else. Too much of tech culture destroys life, in the entrepreneurial pursuit of our dreams we lose our ability to dream. Every time _why creates something you remind us of what programming is about in the first place; joy.

_why has always represented programming as a journey. In a _why project curiosity was the catalyst. The what if? Learning drove experimentation. Experimentation drove discovery. Discovery drove innovation. The joy of innovation drove sharing.

People criticized _why for his sloppy code but they missed the point. The point was to discover, learn, create, to play. The finished project was just a tool and the code a medium. _why shared his creations so we could get a chance to feel what he felt creating it. _why wanted us to feel what he felt to see what he saw.

When _why left, people asked why? He left to show us why he had came. In the absence of _why we could finally see what he meant to us. Some could still not see, some still missed the point, these unhappy unseeing unfeeling humans called themselves "entrepreneurs".

Thank you Human for creating _why. _why changed the way I see the world. I'm never the same because of _why. Keep creating and let creation be what drives you.

Until the plants gain self-awareness and wipe us all out,


P.S I don't know if this email will reach you but I'm writing anyway in case it might. I imagine you aren't monitoring your inbox if you're trying avoid reading comments about you. If you're curious, I got it via the paypal objects.




Developer By Day, Designer By Night, Asleep By Morning.