You Need to Eat at Least These Many Vegetables Daily for a Happier Life

Top five vegetables that will lead to a happier life.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Pixabay

Your parents have been shoving vegetables down your throats since you were a baby. You ate pureed vegetables until you finally learned to chew with your new teeth.

Vegetables have been a part of a healthy diet for many centuries. It has been a staple since man learned to cultivate the land.

You know vegetables are healthy. There are no side effects of eating vegetables. They are good for your cholesterol, heart, and blood pressure.

They can help you beat obesity and diabetes. They are the miracle cure that can bestow you with good health.

But did you know that vegetables can actually make you happy?

But do you know how many vegetables you need to eat daily for better mental health?

How vegetables can make you Happier

In this study, the participants who ate a few vegetables were asked to eat DGA-recommended vegetable servings daily for 8 weeks.

These 75 participants ranked higher on the Subjective Happiness Scale(SHS) after 8 weeks.



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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