How to embed Blab on your blog!

Brittany Metz
Blab Daily Digest
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2015

If you have a blog or website, you should care about two things:

  1. Giving people a reason to visit
  2. Getting them to stay once they’ve come

Blab helps with both.

Your visitors, on your website can watch, chat, and call in — live.

After the Blab is over, it will automatically turn into a replay. Pretty neat, huh?

An example, Blab embedded on

Here’s an article in Fortune where we announced this feature:

Rob Cesternino has been embedding his Blabs on his site so his website viewers can spontaneously jump in!

Here’s how it works:

1. Schedule an Upcoming Blab

2. You’ll see an Embed Code button on the top left under the title of your Blab:

3. Just copy paste that onto your Blog or Website!

It’s even easier on Medium blogs!

Just past the URL into your post and hit enter. You can embed blabs you schedule, and they will automatically play in your blogs when they start!

Excited about live embeds? Let us know how you use them! And don’t forget to share this out so no one misses out!

