Career in Tech Resources

Navigating the Salary Negotiation To Get The Money You Deserve

In 2 Steps — With Free Negotiation Scripts linked ✨

Meiraf Dawit
Women in Technology
4 min readApr 7, 2024


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Have you ever discovered that you were underpaid in your role?

Or that your colleagues who have similar experience levels were getting paid more than you? Or even that you’ve been working your current role for a while and haven’t been offered a promotion?

If so, there are 1 of 2 things that you could do:

  1. Prepare to ask for a raise -OR- (if that doesn’t work)
  2. Begin applying for new jobs with a higher pay range

Either way, you’ll want to go into the conversation prepared knowing the market rate for the roles you’re applying to -AND- how to outline why you’re the best person for the job so that once it’s time to talk money, it’s not even a question.

So, let’s get into how to nail the negotiation to get the money you deserve— in 2 steps.

1. Use Market Research Data to Gauge What Your Salary Should Be for the Role & Your Experience



Meiraf Dawit
Women in Technology

Woman in Tech. Avid Reader. Forever student. Sharing stories about Career Reflection, resources, & tips to enter a Career in Tech 🌟