Fiction|Adventure|Sci-Fi|Writing Challenge

Villains to Vanquish — Gone Rogue

72 of 💯 — They created the weapons that turned on them.

Sweet Chaos
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2022


Young woman — AI-generated image by author using Midjourney

A dozen or so young men and women fled the military complex during the power outage. Careful planning during their obedient servitude had finally paid off. Each of these trained weapons dispersed in different directions, for their own safety as well as the other genetically enhanced soldiers.

Xoey’s muscular body effortlessly bound over the fallen trees as a semi-automatic rifle boomed through the night. Then another. She knew the facility’s solders were equipped with night vision goggles and orders to execute the escapees. Unflinching, she pushed distance between herself and the compound that abducted adolescent orphans.

She swiftly maneuvered through the pre-dawn forest. Her ocular implants instantaneously adjusted to any light condition for clear visibility, giving her an advantage. Miles between them, Xoey crested a hill and her eyes brought the only home she could remember into clear focus.

Thanks to the military compound, none of them could ever have families of their own — they were biological weapons.

None of them knew how to function in society, but that was…



Sweet Chaos

Tickling your senses through fiction writing while shocking you with the outcome! Nothing is as it seems!