Major Announcement: Meridian Fund Series, Invictus Education & Market Update

Daniel Schwartzkopff
6 min readNov 20, 2018

Market Update

The dramatic sell down in cryptoassets over the past few days is not the first, and it will certainly not be the last, market event of its kind. It is important to note that these events have not occurred in isolation and are a result of a confluence of several factors, including broader global macroeconomic trends that have cascaded down to rattle risk appetite among investors. Short term sell-offs can be driven by numerous factors, with periodic, and the sometimes irrational, behaviour of market participants driving prices. It is not difficult to find historical examples of this herd-like behaviour across all types of markets.

The Nasdaq 100 Index delivered -41.9% in 2008 due to the global financial crisis, only to return +53.5% and +19.2% in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Cryptoassets have been through their own market gyrations. Early investors in bitcoin need only look at the twin crashes in the asset’s price in 2013 for evidence of how quickly sentiment can change. It is clear from these events that negative, as well as positive, extrapolation and sentiment, are inherently temporal in nature. While we are cautious to make any predictions, these are great examples of how quickly markets can reverse losses, and gains for that matter.

It is from this fact that great investors gain their edge. While less sophisticated investors (typically retail traders looking for short-term gains) are likely to sell in times of distress; institutional investors, with long time horizons and ample deployable capital, are willing to purchase these assets at a significant discount during these periods. This has proved to be a tried and tested method for generating long-term gains, such was the case for those with the stomach to have bought into the Nasdaq 100 going into 2009. Given this, it is important to remember that investing is a long-term pursuit in the face of short-term noise. Investors should avoid emotional decisions that have the potential to cause permanent capital loss.

Kyle Cox,
Senior Investment Analyst

Invictus Education: Learn to Invest like a Crypto VC

“Only invest in what you understand” is a common response when asking for investment advice. Unfortunately when it comes to the crypto market, one of the greatest barriers to entry is education. At Invictus Capital we believe that it is first necessary to get people to understand cryptoassets and the problems they can solve before cryptoassets will achieve wider adoption.

We, therefore, created an introductory course for people looking for a framework for investing in cryptoassets. This course is not a trading course nor is it a course that delves very deeply into blockchain technology. Instead, it is a course that will give you the tools to evaluate crypto investments with a long-term outlook.

The course is brought to you by the fund managers and analysts that manage the Invictus venture capital fund, Hyperion. The Invictus team has successfully raised over $50m for two separate tokenized funds and has extensive experience in both fundraising and investing. The Hyperion Fund analysts have invested in 9 blockchain projects to date and have evaluated countless other projects. The course has therefore been developed on the back of this experience and market insights which the team is now looking to share with others.

We will also include industry insights, from our business team, who travel the globe in search of top teams and partners. Jonty and I both have experience working with students and tutors for courses in Fintech and data science. We know how to break down a complex topic into easily manageable chunks of practical insights and application, and provide the necessary support to make sure you get the most out of this course, and our community discussions.

The purpose of this course is to get you into the mind of a crypto venture capitalist.

We have structured the course in a way that takes you from the inception of the market all the way through to evaluating projects using our analytical tools. You can take this course with relatively little knowledge of the cryptomarket and we’ll bring you up to the same skill level as a well-informed crypto investor.

The course covers topics such as the history and development of the crypto market, cryptocurrencies use cases and features, learning how to segment the crypto market and practical evaluation tools and techniques to help you assess blockchain projects — all informed by our practical experiences in the market.

Meet one of your course instructors: Kyle Cox

The purpose of this course is to get you in the mind of a crypto venture capitalist. Whether you’re an individual looking to invest in cryptoassets, or a startup that wants to understand how investors will analyze your token model, this course is for you. This could include crypto enthusiasts, investors, traders or financial analysts from the traditional finance space.

With the explosion of investment opportunities in the crypto space, this course is the perfect way to get started in this emerging asset class.The course is launching early December.

Click HERE to sign up to our mailing list and receive the Invictus Community Discount code (50% off the course price of $150) as soon as we launch!

We look forward to having you join us in the classroom and would appreciate your support in helping us bring understanding to the global investor community,

Nick Hill,
Business Development Manager

Meridian Institutional Fund Series (Fiat-in, Regulated Funds)

Invictus Capital is proud to announce the availability of the Crypto10 Balanced Fund — a fully regulated fiat-in-out cryptocurrency index fund with third-party custody and administration.

Entry, exit and performance fees are set to zero, with management fees institutionally oriented. Daily liquidity is available for the fund, which is as easy to invest in as any collective investment scheme.

Crypto10 Balanced is composed of the top 10 cryptocurrencies as defined by a custom market capitalization weighted index methodology. Additional parameters are incorporated and optimized using data science techniques to fit the fund to suit the cryptocurrency market. These include a rebalancing period of one week and an asset cap of 15% which reduces exposure to any single cryptocurrency.

A variable cash position is also maintained within the fund to dynamically manage downside risk by responsively reducing exposure in times of market stress. This unique cash hedge is entirely managed by a passive ruleset and is asymmetrically weighted; i.e. it sells into cash faster than it buys back.

Crypto10 Balanced offers the benefits of a buoyant cryptocurrency market combined with protection against the type of precipitous downside volatility currently being experienced in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin is nearing an 80% decline from its December 2017 peak, while the fundamental case for cryptocurrency investment has been steadily strengthening from an institutional, regulatory and practical perspective. This has created the most attractive entry point for investors holding fiat in over a year.

The investment minimum at this stage is $100 000 in fiat, however, a minimum entry point of just $500 (in crypto or fiat) will be available when the Stackr platform launches in early Q1 2019.

To find out more about Crypto10 Balanced and the Meridian fund series, please consult the fund fact sheet.

C20 Listing Update

Final agreements for the listing have been prepared, we are awaiting a final go-ahead from the Liquid legal team to proceed and publish an agreed-upon listing date for the token.

We appreciate your ongoing support during these turbulent times,

Kind regards,
Daniel Schwartzkopff,
CEO, Invictus Capital



Daniel Schwartzkopff

Entrepreneur. Founder & CEO of Invictus Capital. Co-founder & Director of DataProphet. Latest in crypto and machine learning.