New Kids on the Block(chain): SPECTRE

Yannick Zehnder
Zehnder Advisory
Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2017

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and does not provide financial or investment advice. The reader is aware that there are special risks involved in dealing with blockchain and cryptocurrency assets.

Introducing SPECTRE

SPECTRE is a forex (FX) trading platform based on blockchain technology. They are the first FX-portal to have a transparent liquidity pool, owned by the investors. The name stands for Speculative Tokenized Trading Exchange.

The FX market is by far the largest public market there is. Daily volume of $5+ trillion and 24/7 markets make it appealing for professionals and retail traders alike.

SPECTRE is about to disrupt this market. Technology, financing, fee structure and many more factors are heavily in their favor compared to their competitors. The article below will summarize their product and market approach.


  • SPECTRE is disrupting the FX trading market.
  • They have a ready product.
  • Two tokens will be distributed, Ethereum based ERC20 tokens, 240m max combined supply.
  • Utility token (SPEC-U): a token for the trader, user and speculative market value seeker.
  • Dividend token (SPEC-D): a token for the passive investor. Pays a share of 2% of the volume generated on the platform.
  • Planned token-buyback-program.
  • A team with in depth knowledge of the FX market. All industry veterans that have worked for some of the biggest FX trading banks in the world.
  • Striving for a licensed environment.
  • Transparency on all levels, from the liquidity pool to the business plan.

The Vision

As mentioned above, the global FX market is enormously big. Retail traders are lured to trading platforms with aggressive marketing. All sorts of fancy names are used for what looks fun and a bit of a gamble to do on the side: „binary options, digital options, financial bets… etc.“ Even sports betting sites started offering these kinds of “bets” recently.

But the moment you sign up you often already lost your money. Either the fees are so absurdly high that not even a well versed trader can overcome them or the platform never plans to pay out your money or they simply use your money for things you never signed up for. Now SPECTRE is about to change that all – for the good of the traders and the investors!

Screenshot SPECTRE whitepaper “the SPECTRE model”

The development of the platform is already done and the product is ready to be used right after the token sale ends. The public alpha of the platform can be tested right here.

Screenshot SPECTRE website

What makes SPECTRE unique

SPECTRE is not the first blockchain based or ICO funded company to challenge FX trading, but they are highly specialized on this task. Their team, their marketing and their ready product sets them apart.

The whitepaper is very well written and answers most questions that arise with the business endeavour. The numbers the team crunched to base their calculations on are all out in public and viewable in Google spreadsheets linked on their website.

SPECTRE SWOT analysis from

A transparent liquidity pool owned by the investors, a top-notch trading platform, an attractive dual token system (see below) and a very good management team makes sets SPECTRE apart. Moreover at no moment will SPECTRE take hold of investors money when trading on the plattform – traders funds will always be under their control.

The presale has been organized and conducted very smooth. All whitelisted contributors got assigned a window of investing to make sure there was no overload.

The SPECTRE Token Types

SPECTRE sells one token in their ICO called “SXS”. This token will allow you to purchase two types of tokens after the ICO. See the picture below for a detailed explanation of the difference between the two. They are both Ethereum based ERC20 tokens.


SPECTRE also plans to initiate a token-buyback-program in the future (not more than 15% of the outstanding supply).

How to get involved

The ICO starts on November 17. An 11% bonus for the first week of the public sale will be available to the public!

The following steps are needed to participate:

Important Notice: Do not send ETH to the contribution address form an exchange wallet. You will lose your funds. Use one of the wallets shown on the website (for example MyEtherWallet).

  • Register an account with SPECTRE here. (This is a referral link from the author, thank you for using it!)
  • After registering your account you will see the contribution address.
  • Send the amount of ETH you wish to invest to the address. You will receive 2000 token per ETH.
  • After the token sale has finished you will have 28 days to convert your SXS token to either utility or dividend tokens.
  • Instructions on the process of token conversion from SXS to the SPEC-U and SPEC-D token will be published after the token sale due to security reasons.
  • Spread the word!

Further reading




Official Telegram Announcements Channel:

Telegram Group English:

Thank you for reading — if you liked what you read, feel free to share, like and comment. Also feel free to suggest any improvements and corrections to the article in the comments below!

For extra “thank yous” here are my donation addresses:

  • ETH: 0x762bd7dcd23aec62d1a5bd3e3b2b57bb1b64026d
  • BTC: 1HbAzWXZk511UbZkbTJQMdBt9pj8995p2



Yannick Zehnder
Zehnder Advisory

Co-founder & CEO @ CEVEN. Bleeding edge tech enthusiast, marketing adept, teacher. Man of many hats.