We All Want To Be Useful

Content is king, but does anybody care?

1 min readMay 7, 2014

Where is the intersection of speed and value?

Research done in part by The Nielsen Norman Group shows that less than 20% of the words on a webpage are actually read, even by a visitor with above-average intelligence.

The previous paragraph contains thirty words, five of which I’d consider essential to it’s meaning. Let’s try again.

80% of your webpage is ignored, research shows.

That’s better. The problem is, will you only read 20% of those eight words? Not if I keep the total to 111 words or less. Those results are much betteras high as 50%.

And…I’m out of time. Tweet me @winslow462. 140 characters or less, please!




Coach and freelance writer on fitness, philosophy, fun, females, food, and drink. Practicing living authentically, with intention and compassion.