Caroline Farrow and Kiwifarms

9 min readNov 20, 2022

Caroline Farrow is a verified member of the infamous doxxing and harassment website Kiwifarms, which she joined under her own name in March 2020. There are allegations, which I can neither verify nor disprove, that she is connected to anonymous accounts on the site used to post material more problematic than any she dare to post under her own name.

Nevertheless, Farrow is unusual in openly having an account on the site. Kiwifarms, aware of its own criminality, explicitly discourages this on its registration page and elsewhere, urging its users to adopt anonymity and only access the site using Tor or a VPN.

Farrow is more unique still in that she is not only openly a member of Kiwifarms, but is also happy to publicly associate herself with and publicly advocate for both the site itself and its owner, Joshua Moon, who goes by the nickname ‘Null’.

In August she posted referring to her legal issues, hailing Kiwifarms as ‘the only place on the internet that allowed for discussion of individuals who are a menace to society’ and declaring it an ‘honour and a privilege serving with you gentleman’. Not only this, but she also posted a picture of herself wearing a Kiwifarms t-shirt and a necklace bearing a small cross, graphically symbolising, side by side, her commitment to both Kiwifarms and her Catholic faith. This image has since become her user avatar on the site.

She is not ashamed of this photo, and last month posted on Twitter that she was comfortable to explain her Kiwifarms membership to her Member of Parliament, Michael Gove, and would even have worn the Kiwifarms t-shirt to her meeting with him had the weather not been so cold.

Her support for the site extends to declaring herself Null’s ‘Empress’ and styling herself as Kiwifarms ‘Queen’ and ‘spiritual leader’.

She openly flirts with Joshua ‘Null’ Moon, branding herself as his ‘bit of middle-aged Britbong crumpet’, writing him a transphobic love rhyme and pleading to have her friendship with him declared on her gravestone or at least on her forum strap-line. Notice also she has the green ‘True & Honest Fan’ badge on her profile, which appears to indicate she has made a financial donation to Moon of at least $20.

Last month she promoted her CitizenGo crowdfunder on the site, calling Moon her ‘Dear Leader’ in the same post.

Moon is a notorious figure with a background in imageboards where child pornography was rife, as my Twitter thread below discusses.

One of the most troubling aspects of Farrow’s interest in Kiwifarms is what she describes in her August 2022 Kiwfarms t-shirt post (see further up) about Kiwifarms supposedly being ‘the only place on the internet that allowed for discussion of individuals who are a menace to society’. She talks about this further in the Twitter post below.

And again here…

In the post below on the Kiwifarms Telegram chat, Joshua Moon confirms the reason for Farrow’s interest in his project.

Kiwifarms, of course, is notorious for harassing, doxxing and invading the privacy of its victims, many, many of whom are from the trans community and are targeted for their gender identity.

Kiwifarms is one of the most virulently transphobic places on the internet, and in the thread above, I exposed some of the horrifying memes being posted there.

Some of those to whom Farrow is hostile, most particularly Stephanie Hayden, the trans woman who successfully brought out a court injunction against Farrow in 2019, have been subjected to grotesque abuse and apparent privacy violation on Kiwifarms. This is something Farrow gloats about on that site, Twitter and elsewhere.

My above Twitter post gives a small flavour of what Hayden has been subject to. The meme of her being executed with ‘tranny gas’ by transphobe Graham Linehan has attracted particular notoriety and is reportedly being investigated by the police.

To pick another example, Hayden has had her photograph and links to her private details on Kiwifarms posted on the Telegram server East London Nonce Hunters.

Only last month, there was a post suggesting people like Hayden ‘should do everyone and themselves a favour and get in the forever box’, alongside an image of a coffin. Countless more examples of abuse could be provided.

Farrow has joined in with the demonisation and the transphobic slurs, and expressed her hope and optimism that ‘I’m likely to outlive him, hopefully by some margin’. Ostensibly she has kept her hands clean of some of the worst posts appearing about Hayden, but suspicion has arisen that she is connected to postings made by other anonymous accounts. In a forum community where most members use and are specifically requested to use Tor or VPNs, sockpuppeting is easier to get away with than elsewhere. Kiwifarms members can privately message each other, which naturally creates opportunities for, and suspicions of, collusion between members. There is also the fact Kiwifarms has a private posting area, accessible only to members, which generates further room for suspicion. Plus there is apparently a secret forum restricted to ‘True & Honest Fan’ badge holders – donors to the site – and Farrow would presumably have access to this. Both Farrow and her opponents are accusing each other of running sock puppets or engaging in collusion with other posters. It is difficult for an outsider to assess what has actually gone on, although I personally would not want to rule out the possibility that in an online community of anonymous trolls, at least some of the anonymous trolling under suspicion may have nowt to do with any of the non-anonymous persons under discussion.

In September Kiwifarms victim ‘Keffals’/Clara Sorrenti was subject to a bomb threat on Kiwifarms after planning to visit a poutine shop in Belfast. Farrow chose to make troublingly lighthearted and arguably mocking remarks about this, both on Kiwifarms and on Twitter.

This is an indication of the extent to which she has become imbued with the prevailing culture of Kiwifarms.

Two weeks ago Farrow posted on Kiwifarms yet again about Sorrenti and also Liz Fong-Jones, launching unfounded allegations against both. The post was wrapped up with these disgusting comments:

Neither Fong-Jones or Keffals are women. They are furious biological males, irrespective of the fact they have inverted their penii to resemble female sex organs.

Dilation sounds very painful indeed. I hope they have sufficient medication to cope.

Farrow knows she is useful to Kiwifarms for her ability to, within some circles, confer ‘respectability and legitimacy’ to it. She does not shy away from presenting herself as a Kiwifarms poster girl, but at the same time, she appears to viscerally resent it when other people – myself in particular - challenge her about this.

On October 11 Farrow posted about me on Kiwifarms, which led to a user named ‘Stabmaster Arson II’ attempting to doxx me. This was unsettling, particularly given the context Kiwifarms and Farrow target Stephanie Hayden had been subject to an arson threat only the previous month. She knows what Kiwifarms is and must have anticipated that posting about me there would lead to a doxxing attempt, but on November 2 and 3 her calls for my doxxing were explicit.

Since this post, there have been further attempts to doxx me. The post below shows one example of this.

Since Farrow posted me for doxxing on Kiwifarms, I have also, like Stephanie Hayden and countless other Kiwifarms targets, repeatedly and with zero evidence been called a child abuser and had other slurs made towards me. As examples:

Farrow could have called out these and countless other abuses on Kiwifarms. She has never done so.

On one occasion she posted an ‘Agree’ to a post calling me ‘a faggot and a nonce’. Farrow appears to view Kiwifarms as a useful tool to intimidate her opponents. One of my hopes in writing this post is that individuals and organisations who have hitherto endorsed her will, in the light of the evidence presented, reconsider their positions.

There is, I hardly need add, a contradiction and a hypocrisy involved when it comes to the juxtaposition between the virtuous image presented of Caroline Farrow as a Catholic mother of five and vicar’s wife, and the reality of her online behaviour.

I will close this post on the reflection that Farrow has invested considerable effort in campaigning on incidents like the Archie Battersbee case, where she made the argument for Archie to be kept on a ventilator long after the doctors believed it was mistaken to carry on doing so. Some of the statements and actions of Hollie Dance, Archie’s mother, led to public controversy, but whatever one makes of all that, she was a mother in a terrible, desperate situation and did not deserve the online abuse and privacy violations that she suffered. Kiwifarms, predictably, was one of the culprits in her ordeal. True to form, the site has a 414 page thread devoted to exploiting her, and has a history of exploiting families in similar situations as well. Those who have supported Farrow’s campaigns on these issues should be aware of her association with and support for this website.




He/him. Challenging transphobia and other prejudices, with a particular focus on issues related to the campaigns of Caroline Farrow.