Understanding Personal “Fit” in High-Performance Startups

Team Thinking, Integration, & the Role of Failure

Thrive in Startup Ambiguity and the Turbulence of Growth

Steve Moffatt
3 min readJun 8, 2020


This is a four-part series on themes extracted from the biggest home-runs and worst strikeouts I’ve seen during the past four years of building zero-to-one at two startups.

Part 1: The Golden Rule, Momentum is Trust
Part 2: Scale as an Input, Not an Output
Part 3: Team Thinking, Integration, & the Role of Failure
Part 4: Outcomes & Organization

Idea Inclusion over Simplification

When a debate exists over the underlying truth for conflicting data, the outcome is almost always that neither point of view is correct and the problem isn’t understood well enough. In these situations, be the person to gather data from other viewpoints. The eventual solution can almost always explain everything in the same context. Ask yourself, if everyone is actually right, what would that situation look like? Similarly in design, the best solution is always the one that can bring different points of view into harmony.

We’re a Team, Not a Family



Steve Moffatt

Product @Amazon, Fmr. VP Product @Athelas | Stories on Growth | Passionate about user experience, computer vision, & biology.