DAO PlayMarket 2.0
2 min readJan 14, 2019

Review of STO (Security Token Offering) innovations at DAO PlayMarket 2.0

1. Only ready and already earning applications are allowed to perform STO (Security Token Offering) at DAO PlayMarket 2.0 (with a running monetization system)

2. Security token — a share with the right to receive dividends

3. Token distribution:
5% of tokens — proportional to all PMT holders
40% of tokens are offered for sale at the STO site.
55% of tokens remain with the developer and are frozen for the entire STO term (270 days)

4. STO consists of 8 periods of 30 days each. In this period a limited number of tokens can sold — 5%. The cost of the token is automatically recalculated at the end of each period and fixed for the period of the next period. The first fixation of the price of the token occurs after the first period, i.e. 30 days after the launch of STO.

5. The cost of the token is recalculated every period (30 days) according to the formula “profit for the period (30 days) multiplied by 6 divided by the number of tokens”

6. The developer does not have access to the funds from the sale of tokens of his application. All funds remain inside the DAO PlayMarket 2.0 platform and in the form of remuneration for the installation are paid to new users of the application.

7. The listing of the token on the DAO PM DEX exchange occurs simultaneously with the launch of the first STO period

8. Data on how much the application earns is always displayed on the DAO PlayMarket 2.0 and inside the application.

9. Smartcontract distributes dividends to ETH at the end of each period (30 days), in proportion to all tokens.

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