Dragon’s Crossing — Town Hall 6 (Summary)

Dragon’s Crossing
2 min readApr 13, 2023

Hosted by Granite, featuring founders Bloaterpunch, Samichpunch & Babypunch.

For those who didn’t watch Dragon’s Crossing’s Town Hall 6, here’s a quick summary:

  • Today the Dragon’s Crossing team announced they’ll be launching the game on Arbitrum One. Reasons why they chose this chain: high TVL (Total Value Locked), high volume, amount of users, great momentum, fast transactions and gas efficiency. (9:11)
  • You will need to have $USDC in the Arbitrum One chain to be able to mint a Genesis Hero. (20:41)
  • You don’t need to buy $ARB to participate in Dragon’s Crossing. That is just the governance token of Arbitrum. (21:53)
  • The team will put together video tutorials and Medium articles on how to prepare for the mint and how to bridge tokens to Arbitrum. (24:56)
  • The white paper will be released Monday, April 17th. It will be available on the Dragon’s Crossing website. (26:54)
  • The NFTs will be on the Arbitrum One chain. (27:52)
  • Equippable items, such as swords and shields, won’t be tradable at game launch. The only tradable items are Summoning Shards and Skill Books, which are NFTs. The only way to transfer items between wallets is by equipping them to a hero and transferring the hero. (40:14)
  • Genesis Heroes will have starting items when minted. The item rarities will vary. (45:31)
  • Genesis Heroes will have different starting attributes when minted. (45:53)
  • Every time you kill a monster there is a % chance that you will get a Summoning Shard. The more times you quest, the more chances you will have to get one. (48:27)

This summary only includes new information released during this Town Hall. I still encourage you to watch the full video to get 100% of the information.

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Dragon’s Crossing

Combining my love for gaming and web3 technology to explore the possibilities and potential of this exciting space.