PhiloGPT’s Surprisingly Wise Answer to “What’s the Meaning of Life?”

And 7 other philosophical questions that puzzle us from time to time

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
15 min readMay 18, 2023


Generated with Leonardo AI

Trained on 300 billion words, ChatGPT puts even legions of learned scholars to shame.

Obsessed with ChatGPT’s productivity-boosting usages, we’re ignoring an intriguing use case.

ChatGPT’s power to answer our deepest questions. Be it Socrates, Lao Tzu, or Swami Vivekananda, ChatGPT’s a hivemind of the wisest teachings throughout documented history!

But the generalist that ChatGPT is, the “vanilla” version won’t give us the most precise answers.

That’s where PhiloGPT comes in — a ChatGPT flavor we’ll whip together with the best religious teachings and philosophical works across time.

Then we’ll fry PhiloGPT’s brain with questions that have puzzled mankind for eons.

Fire up a new ChatGPT tab and follow along with the prompts I provide.

Table Of Contents

0 — Let’s Prime ChatGPT into PhiloGPT
1 — What’s the Meaning of Life? Is There Even One?
PhiloGPT’s Answer:
My Thoughts:
2 — The Hen or The Egg? What Came First?
PhiloGPT’s Answer:
My Thoughts:
3 — Is Reality Real? Or a Simulation By A Lone



Neeramitra Reddy

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