Web 3.0: a Request For Comments

beyond the bitcoin, how each of our life aspects will be disrupted by the next web.

Ali Elouafiq
6 min readMar 31, 2014

Following and leading, are ranks and degrees, the top of leaders are the ones who define the new rules by breaking the boundary of what is “weird” and what is “normal”, then people follow and adapt their lives to it. The elite of these leaders, are whom their followers become leaders themselves, then the followers of their followers become leaders, and so on and so forth.

I wanna share with you my vision for the future of the web 3.0 while it’s being shaped, as the others have shaped themselves.

Existing social media such as FB and twitter, are about the consumption of content, it already replaced Books, TV, Newspaper, Hollywood. The other industries, lobbies, and hegemonies will be replaced slowly one at a time.

The web started as an “access to information”, then slowly people started making it as a “space of interaction” adding a more human aspect to it. THe web 3.0 will be a seamless integration between “real world” and the “information world”.

Contextual Computing was enabled through Hardware and Software Fusion.

Mobile is not the future, it’s the present, its just the start. People tend to get blinded by Google glass, we should regard the last two as experiments.

The main advantages we should look into are these:
* small-sized computers becomes more affordable
* Wireless network connection becomes faster

The smaller a computer can get, and the higher the wireless bandwidth can get, the more we can have the Awesomeness Ratio:

Awesomeness Ratio

In the future we will mostly have “crowd” computing, when many pocket computing will be available, and IoT will rise, devices everywhere can share be used as a crowded cloud. That you can rent/monetize.

  • The crowd computing can be used for distributed backup.
  • The crowd computing can be used for transactions like bitcoin works.
  • The crowd computing can be used for “routing” and “internet access”

You can have your email hosted in your local server at home, that is connected with high bandwidth to the interwebs, and it backups frequently, in different other “local servers” or “mobile devices”.

You can make money out of your devices by “renting” cryptographic backup space to other devices. Either through the new currency (either bitcoin or dwolla coins, or some fancy points) that you can trade as well for backing up other people’s data.

You can make your resources “searchable” then they can be indexed by the current real stuff search engines that I call “Stuff engines”. So people can search you, search your content, and stuff arround them. By turning on your own content or stuff as searchable then other “Stuff engines” can crawl them.

Unlike old fashioned search engines, when stuff are searchable, they are creating their own indexes. The more trust worthy you are, your points of trustworthiness get shard through the interwebs, so no need to page rank you. So search can be done as in real life, quick lookup no need of huge indexing engines and complex parsing.

General Purpose Hardware vs Dedicated Hardware.

I think this ever long debate will be solved when wireless bandwidth will increase like crazy, and clock speed of small processors will match that growth.
Dedicated Hardware will just be for “Sensors” (e.g. food data, presence data, motion, etc…) and for Actuators or advanced Display (e.g. Google Glass, Occulus Rift). While the core where the magic happens should be a General Purpose Hardware, with a common OS/Platform.
At a certain point in the future everybody will be a developer, it will be a literacy thing. “writing instructions that automates actions”, everything will be APIsed (IFTT of things).

Downfall of Internet Service Providers

The future of internet has to be decentralized, and is going to be decentralized (But not as like the Bittorrents, a total mayhem).

As human beings we never lived fully decentralized, even as tribes we used to trade with another tribe, and inside a Tribe they were leaders, Judges, and authorities “who we trust”.
But, like DNS servers, and Certificate Authorities, the future of Internet will become gradually decentralized, we may end up having with “hiearchies of trust” and “trust authorities”. To whom we can assign trust or revoke the trust anytime we want. For “Stuff Engines” they can index data locally for each city, district, community, as controlled by the owner’s of that community. it will be voted, agreed upon (votecoins)

The web will be decentralized from ISPs, the manufacturing will decentralize, artisanal products will be as cheap and accessible and scalable through the power of the web, and food will be healthier and more accessible.

It will bring us together in REAL rather than splitting us apart, hegemonies will split, and the grassroot economy will take the lead.

The thinking will also shift, startups like General Assembly will be widespread. Old Schools and Universities will vanish, because they are simply ineffective to society, they were designed for an industrial era.

On learning

Not only teaching will be on demand, but the courses will be very pragmatic, more in depth.

With startups like Udacity and Coursera. The role of “content accessing” will no longer be a problem. Courses will not be about “telling you what a something is”.
while the class time should be for “discussion”, “debates”, “deep problem solving”, “learning from each other”. Henceforth, we don’t really need universities for this. We can use coffeeshops, neighboor hood meetups. The knowledge power will get out of the hands of universities.

Research labs will be replaced soon by hackerspaces and maker spaces, and hackerspaces will evolve into “nano tech hackerspace”, “medical research space”. The old funding and grants will no more be the main center of attention, useful research and innovation will be crowd funded, and even useless research will be droped out.

The thing that is missing from today’s learning is the “doing aspect”
in the future we will be having more hackathons, in field immersions, internshipping inside the class, writing, writing more writing. Every student will be a T.A.

In the future literacy will not be the ability to read. The fact that you read a book is just consumption. Students will start massively writing books, explaining courses and content to each others. Through writing we synthesize our knowledge, and passing it to another person will make us increase our understanding. Peer to Peer teaching will be a necessity for success, and it will create the virality that will replace the existing educational hegemonies.

While now The mobile web is interacting with the real world around us through sensors. With an easily accessible computing power, that helps us in the daily lives.

In the web3.0 people will be using the web to make their reality better, and spend more time on reality.Schools and Universities will dilute, and Agora spaces will replace the old classrooms.

People will gather to discuss ideas and build new things (hacks) rather than discovering the content, so the interaction would be more fruitful and more efficient rather than the “old school” system. Professors will become like Jedai “Masters” only needed to make you level up, rather than to give you knowledge.

Writing software will be like using a calculator, even software will be democratized in an amazing way, now its already starting with the RESTful web. Software will become so powerful, that will democratize everything, enhance everything, and automate the boring stuff.

You can’t define the future, you just steer the present to adapt it gradually to reach your Vision

with the democratization of manufacturing(open source hardware), the internet of things knocking at our doors, and the crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, crowd_something are replacing existing industries, the cloud and the mobile is getting everywhere. An age where context, location, gamification, and social connection becomes a necessity. If you regroup all these things together, you will find that web in the future will become “a reality enabler”

The web1.0 enabled us to access content and information
while the web2.0 enabled us to access/produce information at the same time, which created platforms, social networks, and all priceless disruptions in human history like Skype and Wikipedia.

Unlike the previous, the web3.0 will be used to “enhance” our reality instead of replacing old interactions, and by this an undustrial revolution will rize, and existing systems will be replaced one at a time.

Life will become exploration rather than prescription.

Reach me out on @elouafiqAli or ali@ali.ma

