Rent To Buy Homes — Important points to consider

Pros & Cons of this lucrative scheme

Quick Home Buyers
3 min readJan 2, 2014

A time comes in everyone’s life when they want to own a home. A dream of having a home of their own is prevented by certain circumstances. There can be several reasons for why many of them cannot buy a home. One reason can be that they have not saved enough money. Because of unavailability in credit a lot of people cannot qualify for a loan and others could not afford mortgage. But Rent to Own Homes comes as a savior.

If someone really wants to own a home, they can opt for rent-to-own homes. This provides you a chance to rent the home and after a certain period of time you can decide whether to buy it or not. It is very important to consider few things before you decide to do this.

Understanding the contract

It is very important to understand the contract for the Rent to Buy Homes London and also that, this property will be sold to you only after occupying this property for a number of years. You need to keep in mind that this contract is very much different from the other contracts involving real estate. You also need to understand for what the payments are. Generally, you pay a monthly rent, plus additional premiums. At the time of buying the house the amount of money credited out of the payment you made must be known beforehand.

Consulting a lawyer

It is very important to consult a lawyer in making a decision regarding Rent to Own Homes UK. You need to clearly understand everything in the contract. If you affix your signature on the contract without fully understanding it, you might be on the edge of losing everything.


There are several drawbacks of Rent to Buy Properties. So, it is important to think of the consequences before you agree to the contract. If you are not able to buy the house on the agreed period of time, then the payment you made will not be refunded. Additionally, if you rent to own homes, you will not be entitled to tax write-offs.

There are also many benefits of Rent to Buy Homes.

  • If you choose this option then you can afford properties that you will not be able to possess if you go through direct process. It is also not required to make any amount of down payment.
  • You only need to pay a minimal fee which will be credited when you buy the property.
  • There is nothing to worry on a bad credit and even you can get a lot of time to take care of your credit.
  • Since the property is not yours it is not required to pay the property taxes.
  • You can also avoid the responsibility of maintenances and repair expenses that exceed a certain amount.

The most convenient method to buy a house is Rent to Buy Homes UK as it is not required to deal with banks. The best part of this option is that you will have to pay nearly the same rent for buying the house, once you have paid the complete payment in the given period of time. Still there are risks associated with it, so it is advisable to get informed before signing the contract.



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