Sitting… or Sittin’?

What’s the difference?

Benny Regalbuto
License to Chill


A young woman sitting on a concrete wall.
Photo by Giovanna Gomes on Unsplash

“Hey, what are you up to?”


“I… can see that you’re sitting. But what are you up to? You’re not wearing headphones, your phone is on the other side of the room, and you aren’t reading a book. So, something on your mind? You don’t look particularly thoughtful at the moment, but…”

“Nah. Told you. I’m sittin’.”

“Okay. Whatever.”

I can’t begin to tell you how many conversations like the above I’ve had. While I could have easily laid out what sittin’ entails for the person questioning me, my little sister has very accurately described me as a gremlin. Indeed, I like messing with people, and the confusion on their faces when they don’t understand sittin’… priceless.

You, however, are an exception. Why, you ask? Well, because I can’t see your face. I can be a gremlin at the keyboard, too, but it isn’t nearly as fun. So today, I’m going to reveal the secrets of sittin’ — which does not, despite popular belief, require you to be sitting.

Sittin’ is, first and foremost…

A State of Mind That Isn’t a State of Mind

I know, I know. Just bear with me. I promise it’s less complicated than it sounds. (Maybe I am being a…



Benny Regalbuto
License to Chill

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