PARTNERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT | Computational Services Alliance, LLC

DGT Network
1 min readJan 12, 2019


BGX has some very exciting news!

We are proudly announcing our partnership with Computational Services Alliance (CSA) LLC.

CSA is led by top-tier researchers in the sphere of computational mathematics.

CSA LLC is the latest in a number of innovative organizations that BGX is inviting to collaborate in verifying and publicizing our F-BFT Consensus.

As a reminder, the F- BFT Consensus is the heart of the BGX Network, which enables the hierarchical structure of the network to operate with utmost security and reach potentially unlimited processing capability. It is a complex set of mathematically driven rules.

We expect great things to come out of this collaboration! CSA LLC — welcome to the BGX collaborative effort!



DGT Network

DGT is a Web3 hybrid network allowing enterprises to build open ecosystems while retaining full governance and control.