BOLT Pre-Listing Contribution Round

Thomas Alexander
3 min readDec 12, 2018


Dear community,

We’re excited to announce our Pre-Listing Contribution Round coming soon!

We are now inviting private contributions prior to our upcoming exchange listings of the BOLT Token. As outlined in our updated Whitepaper, the contributions will be used to power and scale BOLT’s market expansion and user acquisition to rapidly achieve our vision of becoming the World’s largest mobile wallet — enabled by content. We firmly believe that in the long run, these priorities will provide greater returns to all our stakeholders.

BOLT’s Pre-Listing Contribution Round starts the week of 17th December and will last for one month, or until all tokens allocated are sold.

⚡️Important Pointers:

  • We are doing a Pre-Listing Contribution Round of 36M BOLT Tokens.
  • 1 ETH = 3,000 BOLT Tokens (USD0.03 per BOLT Token).
  • Official Contract Address: 0x67835bd73dc219c068779e773351fbcb7d0a45d7
  • Contributions in ETH only.
  • Excluding USA, China, South Korea, and other sanctioned countries.
  • South Korean residents and citizens need to go our Official Token sale platforms in South Korea. More details will be released next week.

⚡️How to Contribute:

  • Log in to the official BOLT Token Whitelisting Portal.
  • Please double check the web address and bookmark the Portal address if necessary. If you have been successfully whitelisted, your personal details should also be reflected in the portal. If you are unsure if the site you are logging into is the correct one, please notify us on Telegram and our community admins will be happy to help you.
  • Send your ETH to our official contract address at: 0x67835bd73dc219c068779e773351fbcb7d0a45d7
  • Please set your Gas Limit to 200K
  • Ensure that the ETH address in your “ETH Wallet Settings” is the ETH address you are sending your ETH from.
  • Please DO NOT give us an ETH address linked to an exchange wallet (e.g. DO NOT give us your Binance wallet address). If needed, please create a new ETH address and back-up your private key with MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, or MyCrypto.
  • Once your ETH has been sent to the official crowd contribution address, the BOLT Tokens will be automatically deposited in the ETH address you have sent it from.

⚡️Further Details:

  • Tentative date of our first listing on Switcheo Exchange will be in January 2019.
  • To View the BOLT tokens in your Ethereum wallet, You may need to add the BOLT Token using the following information:
  • Address: 0x9f235d23354857efe6c541db92a9ef1877689bcb
  • NOTE: DO NOT send ETH to this address
    Symbol: BOLT
    Decimals: 18
  • ⚠️ Genuine BOLT.Global tokens are associated ONLY with this contract address, beware of scam Tokens ⚠️
  • More exchange listings to be announced soon.

⚡️ICO Video Series: AMA with the CEO

In this episode of our Pre-TGE video series, BOLT’s Founder & CEO, Jamal Hassim, answer some questions you have asked on our Telegram Channel!

Thank you
The BOLT Team

Security Reminder: BOLT will NEVER solicit payments via Telegram/Twitter/Email. Also, please do not send ETH/BTC/Crypto to addresses on social media/telegram.


Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave us a few claps on Medium if you liked it! Drop us a note at enquiry [at] for suggestions on what you would like to read next.

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