Can you imagine a world without education?

Education, today and tomorrow.

Morphoses Content Team
3 min readSep 8, 2022


It is common knowledge that education takes different forms around the globe. Did you know that only 67% of Filipino children finish grade 6? While, at the same time, Danish people take part in the educational system for their whole life? Or that only the top 10% of graduates can become teachers in Finland and children there are paid to go to school when many poor Pakistani families cannot afford to send their children to school?

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

If we ask you when education first appeared, can you guess right? It is probably from day one of our existence when the first human learned how… to walk! Now, can you imagine a world without education? Would we be able to communicate with each other, create societies and evolve? Would we be able to learn new skills, expand our knowledge in life and create? Would we be able to write this blog post, or even think about these philosophical questions?

Photo by Redd on Unsplash

Education today.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child has recognized education as a legal right of every child, and primary education should be free, while secondary and higher education should be available to every child. It also states that children’s education should allow them to fully grow and develop their personalities while teaching them to understand their rights and respect other people’s rights, cultures, and differences.

The primary goals of education are to offer individuals the foundations to develop crucial skills for daily living and contribute to society, developing reasoning and critical thinking. This way, humans learn to apply logic when making decisions and interacting with people.

Photo by Nikhita S on Unsplash

Education tomorrow. A digital new era.

It’s estimated that 65% of students entering the primary education system right now, will have jobs that don’t even exist yet! What we learn from this data is that education is being digitalized. With the “help” of COVID-19, higher education has altered dramatically and is being renovated, with more and more online courses, virtual study groups, and digital learning management systems and tools. Therefore, education needs to adapt! In simpler words? What and how we teach have to change.

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Skill it up with Morphoses — our investment in personal growth

As human learning and machine learning starts to combine, it is inevitable that fresh forms of learning and knowledge will emerge. Our aim as Morphoses is to offer a digital and safe environment that will help the learners to “shape” themselves at all levels and enhance, to the maximum, human skills they already possess.

We too have witnessed the radical shift from the “if” of technology to the “how” of technology. Digitalizing the educational system creates endless opportunities. If we add to the equation the worldwide evolution of ed-tech- initiated by the booming of Massive Open Online Courses and on-demand e-learning- then we can all agree that Morphoses is indeed building a path leading to the future.

The world CAN be a better place if we all work together on that.

Photo by Yannis H on Unsplash



Morphoses Content Team

The Morphoses Content Team is here to help you learn all about soft skills/future skills and tutors and children psychology