JHipster JDL To OpenAPI generator

Ivan Garcia Sainz-Aja
2 min readApr 29, 2023


Originally published at https://zenwave360.github.io.

Writing YAML by hand is no fun, but you can simplify the process of writing OpenAPI definition files by using a Domain Specific Language (DSL).

JHipster Domain Language (JDL) is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) used to define the domain model of a web application. With JDL, you can describe the entities, relationships, and constraints of your system in a concise and readable way.

Zenwave SDK is set of tools to generate (and reverse engineering) code from JDL and API-First models like AsyncAPI and OpenAPI.

Zenwave SDK Modeling

Thanks to ZenWave SDK, you can convert JDL models into OpenAPI definition files. This can save time and effort in the development process while ensuring that your APIs follow best practices and standards.

JDL Example

entity Customer {
username String required minlength(3) maxlength(250)
password String required minlength(3) maxlength(250)
email String required minlength(3) maxlength(250)
firstName String required minlength(3) maxlength(250)
lastName String required minlength(3) maxlength(250)
entity Address {
street String
city String
country String
zipCode String

relationship OneToOne {
Customer{address} to Address{customer}

service Customer with serviceClass

Generating OpenAPI definition files from JDL with ZenWaveSDK

See JDL To OpenAPI Generator for a complete list of options and GitHub repository for install instructions.

ZenWave SDK will generate CRUD operations for your entities, including paginated lists and search operations.

jbang zw -p io.zenwave360.sdk.plugins.ZDLToOpenAPIPlugin \
specFile=entities-model.jdl \
idType=integer \
idTypeFormat=int64 \
targetFolder=. \

It will add x-business-entity and x-business-entity-paginated to generated schemas, very useful if you are also using ZenWave to generate a complete backend from JDL


By using JDL to define your domain model and ZenWave SDK to convert it into an OpenAPI definition file, you can simplify the process of designing and documenting your APIs. This can improve the overall quality and consistency of your APIs, while also reducing errors and inconsistencies.

Overall, using JDL and ZenWave SDK provides a streamlined and efficient way to implement Domain Driven Design principles in Event-Driven applications, while also improving the efficiency and quality of the development process.

NOTE: You can also use ZenWave SDK to generate complete AsyncAPI definitions from JDL models.

Originally published at https://zenwave360.github.io.

