Don’t Spend Less, Instead, Go Surgical

The economy needs you to spend

David O.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readAug 19, 2022


Photo by Jermaine Ulinwa:

The idea of spending less money because of current economic conditions is laughable. This is like telling someone who is just learning how to drive a car to step on the brakes every time it is not good to accelerate. That is a recipe for disaster. Of course, anyone who has been spending recklessly should stop. But this is a time to spend more surgically.

You Can’t Tell Others to Buy More From You While You Spend Less

How can you face other people to tell them to buy more from you when you are cutting your spending? It doesn’t make sense. This is energy. You cannot be emitting the energy of scarcity and expect to get others to jump into abundance with you.

This is how human psychology works. People will spend less with people who are emitting the vibration of scarcity. And people will spend more with people who keep their abundance vibe.

You don’t keep your abundance vibe by ignoring what is happening. Yes, economic conditions are not particularly great right now. But if you let the outside control your inside, it will dictate your results.

Don’t get it twisted — your results come from your inside. If what is happening on the outside doesn’t disrupt your…



David O.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Mostly sharing my learnings around money, marketing, and business success. Not financial advice. Think for yourself