How to: Use Rook Ceph with Kubernetes

Chris Phillips
2 min readAug 26, 2018

I have spent the last few months getting CephFS to work. 99% of the issues I had were user error. This article goes through the steps I used to get it working.

What you will need,

  • Kubernetes
  • An additional block device on each worker node (This can be only on certain worker nodes but I wont be covering it here)
  • git
  1. Check out the config files from my git. These are based off the instructions found here.
git clone

2. Before applying these configs run the following command on each node.

sudo sgdisk /dev/sdb1 -Z

Where sdb1 is the block device. If this hangs or fails do a hard reset on the vm.

I have never had it return from a soft reset. I have not yet investigated why.

3. Now apply the configuration you cloned from git.

kubectl apply -f <file name>

In 5–10 minutes the rook ceph will be up and running.

4. To determine if it is up, run the following command

kubectl get pvc --all-namespaces

Pvc-test will be bound when ceph is ready

Any issues please leave a comment below or raise an issue on the github.


  • I have limited the CPU of each pod because at times it was eating all available CPU
  • I increased the memory of the ceph-operator pod as at times it would OOM.
  • Any reset of of any of these VMs now need to be hard resets.
  • I use the following hacky script to wait for pvc to be bound
wc=0while [ "$wc" -ne "1" ] ; do  wc=$(kubectl get pvc | grep testpvc | grep Bound | wc -l )  echo "sleeping ofr 10sec and trying again";  kubectl get pvc  sleep 10sdonekubectl get pvc | grep testpvc | grep Bound



Chris Phillips

Pink Teddy gets sent to help his owner's Daddy. All opinions are of Chris Phillips, IBM Master Inventor, API SME, Governance SME for IBM Cloud Services