Smart Contracts for Payments and Incentives on Cubomania Blockchain Platform

3 min readJun 12, 2018


One of the best things about blockchain is that students and content providers can interact on the platform without the need to pay intermediaries, which completely excludes the possibility of being cheated on under condition of content pre-moderation. On a practical level this means that people can buy educational programs and characters or get rewards for achievements from people from the other side of the world without knowing if they are honest or not and still have full confidence in success of the deal. The system works on the ‘If — Then’ premise and is witnessed by hundreds of people, so you can expect a faultless delivery. In practical terms it means that any student can check the blockchain and make sure that he can trust the seller’s reputation and the exchange mechanism while any learning program supplier can make sure that the buyer has sufficient means to make the payment.

One more thing the Cubomania platform will offer its students is online courses with a clear and transparent blockchain-based reward system and achievement tracking which will be referred to as a smart incentive. Smart-incentive is a smart contract on Ethereum network ensuring the exchange of tokens between a sponsor (the Incentive Provider) and a student (the Incentive Taker), who is committing to study a specific subject in order to receive tokens (the Incentive).

A Smart Contract can be created by any company (for example, a technology or service supplier), public institution (a school, a college or a university) and ordinary citizens.

There are 3 main use cases of smart contracts:

  1. An eco-system player that acts as a Creator of educational content (a teacher, programmer, coach, etc) places their CV in the eco-system depending on the topic of the content they create. An eco-system player that acts as a Customer finds their CV using a system of tags. The Customer needs to have a customized education program developed. They strike a deal via a smart contract. The contract sum is blocked on the Customer’s balance. The Creator makes a requested program. The program is then checked by a moderator. After the approval, the program is downloaded on the Customer’s device. The smart contract is regarded as executed, and the tokens are sent to the Creator of the requested education program.
  2. Any person that is expert in some field of knowledge and that would like to become a participant of a decentralized educational platform registers on our platform. We provide them with templates available on the Cubomania platform that will enable them to create content and design a unique character on the Ethereum blockchain platform, using a database of educational programs available on the platform. Tokens are used as consumables. The program is then checked by a moderator. This content gets attached to the character and becomes a digital asset with ownership rights that are registered in the blockchain.
  3. An eco-system player who acts as an Incentive Provider wants a child (Incentive Taker) to complete some program and reach a specific level of achievements. The Incentive Taker commits to study a specific subject for Token bonuses (Incentive). They strike a deal via a smart contract. The contract sum is blocked on the Incentive Provider’s balance. The Incentive Taker fulfils their obligations. The smart contract is regarded as executed, and the tokens are sent to the Incentive Taker.

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Blockchain-powered online platform for creation and distribution of personalized educational content