How To Improve Your Squat Form Without Squatting

Build your strength to perform the perfect squat with these exercises.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


A women doing squat on balance ball.
Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

Squats are the exercise that everyone loves to hate. They are the essential strength training exercise that you need to do to build stronger leg muscles and a sturdy core. No quality workout is ever complete without a few sets of squats.

Squats help in improving athletic ability and reducing the risk of injury. They also help in burning calories while building muscles. Squatting helps in increasing mobility and flexibility which promotes good balance.

Form matters a lot while doing any exercise, if done incorrectly it can lead to unnecessary injuries. It is important to do a squat with the right form to target all muscle groups and to avoid back and knee injuries.

You can do a lot to improve your squat form without even squatting. If you are a beginner then it is advisable to do these drills to prepare your body for a ruthless leg day.

Focus On Building This Muscle

While squatting it is important to maintain good posture to prevent back injuries. A strong core helps you keep your torso straight and tight which limits hunching while going down.



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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