About the ADSi tokens

2 min readApr 12, 2018


The AdSigma Token (ADSi) The AdSigma Token (ADSi) is a utility token which can be used to buy digital display advertisement on web/app properties, and publishers can monetize their apps/websites using AdSigma platform (They get paid in ADSi tokens).

The platform is based on the Ethereum’s Smart Contracts, which guarantee secure transactions based on the parameters set by the participants (Advertisers and Publishers) themselves.

The Blockchain technology ensures that one entity alone can’t control the platform. This decentralized system prevents the possibility of any data manipulation and ensures that nobody can interfere with transactions or give preferences or privileges to one advertiser or publisher over another. The network is verified and maintained by each participant and by all participants together.

Rapidly Growing Digital Advertising Market

The digital advertising revenues for Google and Facebook combined, topped $100 billion in 2017 and is further growing consistently. ADSi is based on the thriving Digital Advertising Market, and this market will continue to grow in size, resulting in a surge in the value of ADSi. ADSi’s value will be based on the digital advertising market and the activity within the network. This gives ADSi the potential to become one of the strongest virtual tokens within the Ethereum ecosystem, as it will not be affected by any outside and local regulatory factors in the different global economies.

Creating Value for Advertisers and Publishers

A business that helps other businesses to grow perform distinctively in the market. Take an example of Uber; they helped car drivers to earn huge revenues by connecting them to the customers via their application, and consequently Uber established a billion-dollar company without actually owning those cars. Same way, if publishers get well paid for their efforts of content creation, they will have the financial freedom to create even better quality content without worrying about high network fees, and as a result, AdSigma will develop eventually.

ADSi values those publishers who focus on the quality of their content, as they represent a customer-centered community. Our network will change the mindset of publishers who will now see the blockchain based ad network as a valuable asset that can generate huge revenues.


