Shape of you

2 min readDec 13, 2017


Your perfect workout with Ubiatar.

How many of us have a gym membership? Surely many and going there regularly gives us enormous benefits to both our body and mind. However, not always training by yourself is enough and so you ask the help of a personal trainer who guides you in your evolution for not getting hurt.

Has it ever happened to you that you need your gym pt’s help and he or she is not available? Besides, because of your many business trips, which keep you away from home, you are forced to train in other facilities and would you like to be equally followed by your trusted instructor?

Last but not least, dear personal trainer wouldn’t it be great to train all the customers you want, wherever they are, giving them the confidence to do a great job?

All this can now be achieved thanks to Ubiatar’s telepresence technology. Through the pc connect to and rent your personal trainer for an effective workout. He will guide you step by step as if he were there with you. In the end you will pay for his service through the electronic wallet and you will be able to watch the recording of your training as many times as you want.

No excuses, play Ubiatar.

