In Search of Bliss

An undefined pursuit

2 min readJan 25, 2014

It happened yesterday night. I was just happy for no particular reason. It was totally impromptu. Surprising too, because I had an otherwise frustrating day.

We all experience certain impromptu moments when life feels beautiful on so many levels. When all the stresses fade in the background. When past and future dilute and become NOW. The stuff happening in front of eyes appear to be God playing with his creation. When things look like they can’t be any better and in no way can anything go wrong. Everything seems in harmony, time seems to have slowed down and the mind is filled with nothing but “pure joy”. I call such moments *bliss*.

But, I don’t know what triggers this feeling. I am not too sure, but I can only speculate a number of causes:

  • Babies.
  • Talking to a friend after a looong time.
  • A photo.
  • Watching a pretty girl [#]
  • Someone’s voice.
  • Visiting worshiping places,
  • Listening to some heart warming lyrics
  • Reading a book.
  • Or, even a dialogue.

Now, here are 2 problems:
1. Almost all the above require having to put some efforts. Something I can’t make myself do on a daily basis.
2. These causes keep changing, and the same cause might not work always.

While the above causes remain probable, here’s what I KNOW don’t lead to feeling of bliss for me:

  • Getting recognition
  • Buying new stuffs.
  • Proving someone wrong / winning an argument.

I imagine life’s happiness quotient (HQ) to be like a Sine graph. It will go up and will definitely come down only to go up again, but on an average it remains balanced.

What I seek is quite different from long term happiness too. I don’t know a set formula to evoke it, or if that formula even exists. But the pursuit is on.

[#] I used to call them the “day-makers”. For a long time I actually kept a journal, jotting the time and place of meeting, their features and attire .
Ahh, but writing a journal also required effort. So, I stopped.

Some people think observing girls is a sign of a perverted mind. I think that’s bullshit. Watching a pretty girl, it’s like watching a flower or a piece of art. If only admiring art made you a pervert.

[Picture shows the pouch of the camera (bottom right) from which it was taken. 5 minutes after I took this, I misplaced the pouch. Never found it again. Losing things is another area I need to work on.]




Family First. Programmer, Writer, Poet, Life Hacker, Friend.