Logging best practices to get the most out of application-level logging — Slides

Geshan Manandhar


Image from Pixabay

Logs from the application level are the only way your application talks back to you. Having proper logs with commendable search capabilities is like having a torch in a dark room.

Fully exploiting logs in case of any issues is very underrated. We as software engineers can utilize logs from the application to resolve issues as well as know the general health of the application.

Logs can be instrumental to profile application performance too.

I had written about logging some years back too. This post is focused on best practices you can follow when logging from the application level and how it can help you as a software engineer.

Why log from the application level

Logging Best practices at a glace

Following are the main best practices for logging:

1. Log information optimally

Too much information is noise and too less information is inadequate. It is difficult to strike the balance of how much log is optimal but that is the challenge. In the case of microservices also think about…



Geshan Manandhar

Senior Software Engineer, Agile follower. Technologist, Google Developer Expert. Blogging at geshan.com.np