The #1 Secret To Unlocking Your Super-Brain

Dr. Brady Salcido
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJun 13, 2018


What if you could hardwire your brain to be more upgradeable?

How would it feel to have a brain that could:

  • Learn Faster
  • Resist Stress Easier
  • Stay Energized Longer
  • Focus and Concentrate Better
  • Give You More Control Over Your Emotions
  • Unlearn Bad Habits & Adopt New Healthier Habits Quicker

These are just some of the components of a super-brain.

The key factor that will take your brain from a normal to SUPER is something called neuroplasticity.

For decades in neuroscience, it was long believed that once your brain reached your early 20’s, it stopped developing and you were left with what you had. It was held that the brain simply couldn’t change after this point.

We now know that this is not true and science has revealed that the brain continues to adapt throughout our lifetime. [R] Neuroplasticity has garnered more attention for it’s connection to brain health and brain disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and even Alzheimer’s. [R]

Neuroplasticity is the capacity of your brain to be able to change and adapt throughout your life…



Dr. Brady Salcido
The Startup

Doctor, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Health | Fitness | BrainPower | Productivity