Is The Future Pure Digital Voyeurism?

Dr Stuart Woolley
Published in
4 min readSep 8, 2023


We have become a generation of voyeurs rather than participants and it needs to change.

Photo by Naele Souza on Pexels

There was a time when it was really quite interesting to see what all of the other people inhabiting the world outside of my home office got up to — at least when I wasn’t occupied fighting off alien invasions, killing Genji repeatedly, or wondering what the best combination of armour is to wear as a spell caster approaching Eldersblood Peak.

Primarily, at least for me as your interests may of course differ, this would consist of the more adventurous travel bloggers, airline pilots giving detailed crash investigations and insights into how the marvel of flight is brought about, or the more humorous electronic engineers getting into a range of high voltage, often painful, predicaments.

Yet, while this is great fun, it seems that of late there are more and more people jumping on the creator bandwagon who have little engaging content to offer themselves, and just basically “do what everyone else is doing” in the constant hunt for clicks and engagement.

It goes a little like this, let’s call it the end stage capitalism trying to make something from nothing cheat sheet.

  1. Someone has a great idea
  2. Everyone copies it
  3. Genuinely good content is…



Dr Stuart Woolley

Worries about the future. Way too involved with software. Likes coffee, maths, and . Would prefer to be in academia. SpaceX, X, and Overwatch fan.