
1 min readMay 4, 2017


Today I do not have time to write. I literally have 3 final exams & tons of other things to do in the next few hours.

But I am still here. Staring at this blank screen — moving my fingers as fast as I can. Why? Because everyone is busy. Everyone has shit to do. The world is spinning super fast and no one has time to think.

If you want to get anything done in this world, it will take some sacrifice. You will have to give up time, money, fun, etc. to get what you want.

Sometimes it is worth it. Sometimes it is not.

There really is only one way to find out, however, and it is not by thinking or guessing.

It all comes back to my bias towards action. I rather do.

That is why I am writing right now. Because I care about getting this exercise in.

You do not get a six pack by eating fatty meals.

You take one day off and then it becomes two, three etc. I have not missed a single day since I started “working out my mind” via blogging. Clearly I am not the best. But at least I show up every morning.

Consistency is powerful.

Originally published at

