A Thai Spirit House on the grounds of Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.

Explore Bangkok: Wat Uthai Tharam to Wat Mai Chong Lom, 26–January–2016 (PHOTOS)

Evan Guerra
Walking the Path
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2016


A journey to visit every Temple in Bangkok, Thailand.

Evan Guerra here and welcome to another entry of Explore Bangkok. I have dedicated this blog to recording my journey to visit every Buddhist Temple in Bangkok, Thailand. Yes I’m mad.

Some people enjoy clubbing every weekend. I enjoy exploring Buddhist Temples.

See map.

Below is photography of a Temple Walk I took through Bangkok on 26 -January-2015.

Enjoy the photo-blog.

Any questions on Thailand and Buddhism please leave in the comments section or email me: guerraevan@gmail.com. I currently live in Bangkok and go on Temple Walks almost every weekend.

My advice is decent.

Wat Uthai Tharam

One of the 9 Bai Sema stones of Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.

A pack of dogs began howling and running at me. I’d overstayed my welcome. Before Buddhism came to Thailand, Thai culture had Animism. I’ve now been to hundreds of temples in Thailand. I’ve been bitten by dogs, had cats jump down from the awnings of temples at me for invading their space and a rat the size of a birthday cake run over my foot. I firmly feel the connection Thai people have to Animism. It’s plausible. Anything is.

Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Enlightenment is hard work. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Wat Uthai Tharam. Photo by Evan Guerra.

Wat Mai Chong Lom

The path to Wat Mai Chong Lom. Photo by Evan Guerra.
The path to Wat Mai Chong Lom. Near Petchaburi MRT is this spectacular train-track side Market. Great food options. Photo by Evan Guerra.
The path to Wat Mai Chong Lom. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Wat Mai Chong Lom. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Wat Mai Chong Lom. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Klong bridge near Wat Mai Chong Lom. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Bangkok street scene. Photo by Evan Guerra.
Sunset to end my day =) Photo by Evan Guerra.

If you enjoyed this photo-blog please share it around.


Until the next temple.



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