Unique Experiences

1 min readSep 17, 2017


We’re applying the finishing touches to this post before it is fully published. It should be ready soon.

Like many, my answer to “what do you like to do for fun” has evolved over the years.

When I was younger, it was probably some specific activity — soccer, basketball, hanging out with friends. I preferred the comfort of being home and around things and people I know.

Gradually, my answer has changed.

I still prefer to be with people that I know — but now I enjoy experiencing completely new and adventurous things. I love having unique experiences. I love creating memories.

A tradeoff/bias I have is that I’d prefer to go do something I’ll remember, even if there is a chance I’ll remember it being bad. In my book, a good or bad memory is far better than no memory at all.

I love stories. I love doing things for the first time.

I say I love this — but I do not do things like this nearly enough.

I need more spontaneity in my life if I want to be able to create more unique and memorable experiences.

Originally published at gonen.blog.

