How to escape competition (and build a business on your own terms)

A practical framework to build your unique selling proposition

Ali Mese
The Startup


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“There is nothing to do in Finland,” they immediately say, reacting to our suggestion. “Why travel there when Europe offers so many cooler destinations like Rome or Paris?”

I want to convince them that Finland has many underestimated gems, including its beautiful nature. But it’s only their second time in Europe and they want to tick the popular spots off their bucket list first.

My wife and I recently moved back to Europe after spending five years in Singapore, and our long-distance calls with the friends we made in Asia often involve suggesting a European destination for our next reunion.

We could have proposed a slightly more “popular” spot, yes. After all, Finland doesn’t share the same reputation as its iconic European competitors.

This fact isn’t lost on the Finns. Indeed, one freezing evening in March 2010, dozens of marketing experts walked into the Sea Horse Restaurant in Helsinki to discuss how to make Finland a world-famous tourist destination.

The problem seemed obvious to everyone:

Finland was known as a rather quiet country.



Ali Mese
The Startup

Founder/Owner: Start it up + Curious + Geek Culture. I also write essays that help you get smarter at building your thing