Path to be taken.

To earn or to be happy. or BOTH.

Louie Anastacio
3 min readNov 20, 2013

I went out to see my friends today. Both inclined in arts— in photography and blogging. Same interests as mine.

So here it is, I don’t wanna say that I’m lost or what. But I guess y’all should know that moment when you’re torn between what you think you should do and what you wanna do because that’s what you love?

They say I’m in between the border of teenage years and to adulthood. Well yeah maybe. But for me, as a person who tends to overthink? It’s killin’ me. For all of you who doesn’t know me yet.. YES, I love and very inclined to arts, design and all things related. I am doing those things way back since 2007? As early as that.

Then I went to college and my interests exploded! I was involved to dancing, partying, being a student leader and an achiever all in the span of 4 years of my college. It’s like at the end of a highway, you’re faced with countless paths or streets or avenues. Pretty weird and confusing for me. I somehow ended this one in order for me to try this one (I’m talking about my interests). Restated, it’s like, one after the other. Shuffling.

I took up Business Economics as my course. We deal a lot about graphs, math, stock exchange, government and everything that’s in between. I hate math but the graphs made it easier for me.. (graphical thing..). A course way apart from my interests.

Then I graduated, internship at banks and then a job at a well known corporation under operations. I felt like I was literally separated and dragged into another world. I left. Now? I’m enjoying this small vacation I am having now.

I told my friends about this. They went on the same page I’m currently into. One came from therapy and now engaged into travel and sports and art directing and photography. One thing I really remembered them telling me, “..a lot can happen in 2 years..” Yeah, maybe. I wanna do lots of things but in my mind, it’s like, I have to be like this in order to get or be like this. All I think is to have work, work work work. So now in this short time I’m having, I wanna try out everything that I want and love. I may never know what I’ll end up to but it’s worth to try everything and have no “what-ifs”.

“I need a pusher..” (funny retort) I told them to constantly push me so I would fuel up my drive.

So it’s between the thought of— To earn, to be happy or BOTH. It may sound so easy but when you’re in the position of amazement and confusion, let’s see.

Last thing they told me, “Do what you love..” “If you thought of something that you wanna do, go out and make time. Make your life.”

How about you guys? What will you do? Have you experienced this kind of bombardment? attack of choices of what you think you should do, what you really love and or a mix of both.



Louie Anastacio

THE CITY BOI Street style blogger / businessman Instagram: @louieanastacio