3 Bitter Yet Powerful Life Truths Most Aren’t Prepared to Swallow

Short-term discomfort for long-term happiness

Neeramitra Reddy
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2022


Photo by Djordje Petrovic: https://www.pexels.com/photo/thoughtful-man-standing-near-trees-in-winter-day-3825013/

The most defining moments of my life have also been the hardest.

The acceptance of truth demands the rejection of falsities — your existing beliefs, worldview, values, or self-image. But the sunk-cost fallacy makes this hard to do.

  • Yet, would you trade the short-term “comfort” for a miserable lie of a life?
  • Or grit your teeth through the ephemeral pain for a fulfilling life?

It’s this Salad or Fries?” choice that separates your existing life from the one you desire. As Naval Ravikant put it:

“All self-help boils down to choosing long-term over short-term.”

Today, I want to share 3 brutal facts of life I’ve had to force down my esophagus—but have paid off handsomely since internalizing them.

You Are Utterly, Inexplicably Alone

Most of the people you know veil contempt behind a facade of nicety. The few that give good advice? Probably stroking their own ego.

Be it your mother or lifelong chum, even your actual well-wishers can’t 100% put themselves in your shoes.

5 weak senses and a…



Neeramitra Reddy

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