Forecasting Multivariate Time Series with Nonstationary Temporal Matrix Factorization

High-dimensional and sparse time series forecasting on Uber movement speed data

Xinyu Chen (陈新宇)
7 min readApr 25, 2022

Uber movement project ( provides data and tools for cities to more deeply understand and address urban transportation challenges. Uber movement speed data measure hourly street speeds across a city (e.g., New York City, Seattle, London) to enable data-driven city planning and decision making. These data are indeed multivariate time series with N road segments and T time steps (hours), and are featured as high-dimensional, sparse, and nonstationary. To overcome the challenge created by these complicated data behaviors, we propose a nonstationary temporal matrix factorization (NoTMF) framework for multivariate time series forecasting on high-dimensional and sparse Uber movement speed data.

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Xinyu Chen (陈新宇)

PhD at University of Montreal. My interests are Machine Learning, Spatiotemporal Data Modeling & Intelligent Transportation.