API Design Pattern of the Week

Weekly Article Series (21 Editions)

Doc SoC (aka ZIO)
ZIO’s Blog
2 min readFeb 27, 2023


The authors of “Patterns for API Design — Simplifying Integration with Loosely Coupled Message Exchanges” publish weekly articles, each summarizing one pattern.

The first seven articles appeared on LinkedIn, tagged #apidpotw:

My co-author Mirko took over the series editor role for the second slice:

The third slice appears here on Medium:

Check out this Medium story for more information about the patterns and the book. The free online content on api-patterns.org includes extended pattern summaries, tutorials, pointers to articles, presentations and podcasts. InformIT has two Web extras as well: “How to Shape Responses to API Calls” and “What is the Right Service Granularity in APIs?”.

News (March 26, 2023): Book and article series feedback by an engaged reader is summarized in a pattern adoption story. Thank you Ton Donker!

News (March 20, 2023): New Medium story “A Checklist for API Design Review: 25 Questions Concerning the Developer Experience (DX)”.

© Olaf Zimmermann, 2023. All rights reserved.



Doc SoC (aka ZIO)
ZIO’s Blog

Architectural Decision Maker, Domain-Driven Designer, Serviceorienteer. Co-author of "Patterns for API Design", "Design Practice Reference", Y-Statements, MADR