The Exact Process I Used to Go from 0 to 10+ Pull-Ups in 8 Weeks

Get your first pull-up, then get 10 more

Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health
5 min readJun 6, 2021


Being able to do pullups is no joke. Quite a lot of us can’t get a single perfect pullup and I’d say only one in ten would be able to crank out 10+ good pull-ups.

Heck! Up until 2.5 years ago, I couldn’t do a single pullup. Now, I can bang out 15+ bodyweight ones and 5 to 6 with 20 kgs strapped on.

Now, why should you bother about being able to do pullups? Because they have a huge slew of benefits — stronger grip, better posture, a wider back, better functional fitness, stronger core, etc.

And the best part — you can do them almost anywhere, all you need is something to hang from.

Getting your first pullup isn’t hard, neither is getting 10 more. All you need is the right approach and some patience.

I’ll share the exact process I used and explain how you can use it as well.

Getting the First Pull-Up (1 Week)

For context, I had been working out for over 1.5 years. But in all that time, I’d never been able to get a pull-up nor did I try seriously.

When I decided to seriously try, I started doing pull-up negatives. Every day, I’d perform 2 to 3…

