The Best $5 You Can Spend to Improve Your Writing Exponentially

Yes, I’m talking about a Medium membership and yes, it can improve your writing 10x

Anangsha Alammyan
Freelancer’s Hub
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2021


Image created by the author on Canva.

Hey fellow writers!

Are you looking for a cheap and relatively way to improve your writing? This article is just what you need.

Before you dive in, be warned: this only works if you have a passion for writing. You need to actually, genuinely love writing, and not simply do it for the money. If you’re unsure how to identify that, ask yourself this: “If no platform in the world ever gave me money to write, would I still spend time creating new content?”

If the answer is yes, then join the club, my friend. You are a writer not for the sake of raking in the moolah, but because you are bitten by this bug of needing to put your thoughts on paper. Writing is like breathing to you and you fucking love it. Thinking up crazy ideas and making stories in your head gives you a kick. That doesn’t even feel like work.

What’s work is translating those ideas on paper and making them resemble a coherent narrative that can give readers some value. Work is developing a writing habit so you can stick to your goals day after day. You will get there eventually. But first, you need to improve the quality of your writing…

