ConseilJS 0.4.1

Mike Radin
The Cryptonomic Aperiodical
2 min readApr 1, 2020

We don’t often write about our developer library releases, focusing instead on products that have user-friendly UIs, ConseilJS, along with Conseil, represents the hot, solid core of our applications. Release 0.4.1, and several other recent releases have consistently added functionality that makes Tezos easier to use for developers so they, like us, can concentrate on the needs of the users. We have updates for smart contract interactions, including mempool peeking, integration with the Cryptonomic Name Service contract, and more.

The latest build adds the ability to interrogate the mempool for pending operations in two ways:

  • getMempoolOperationsForAccount (source)
  • getMempoolOperation (source)

These two functions will allow applications, like T2 — our next Tezori/Galleon release to show users live, uncommitted operation statuses. This is useful because otherwise a user of the platform can’t tell whether their account is able to submit a new operation.

Smart contract tooling for Tezos is evolving and developers are writing more complex contracts as they get more familiar and comfortable with Tezos constructs. To support this, we’ve added complex big_map key support to ConseilJS. The local parser is now able to encode more than just primitive type keys.

There is of course a complete changelog available for those interested in all the details. Nautilus Cloud is already up-to-date with the latest code.

Tezos Name Service

The Tezos platform is maturing and we’re able to create more sophisticated services on top of it. Previously we added support for the FA1.2 token standard, a ERC20 analog contract. There has been a lot of interest in this functionality. To make it more user-friendly, this release includes support for the name service contract from Cryptonomic. We see this as a public service that would be used as a trusted address book. Now token contracts deployed to the chain can also register with the name service for trustless identification.

Earlier work

There were some headline features added in the last few months to ConseilJS that we didn’t get to write about.


FA1.2, better error reporting, TCF baker registry integration, along with broader support for Michelson syntax, entry point call syntax, general parser improvements,

0.3.8, 0.3.7, 0.3.6

These three releases addressed small but urgent bugs.


This was the first release to support big_map queries. This functionality was a prerequisite for expanded smart contract support like FA1.2 where token balances are stored in big_map structures. We also added the Protocol 005 style contract invocations with generateInvocationPair. This release also removed a base-n dependency that was causing issues for some where npm install would not complete properly. Finally also in this build we added support for group (or) queries in Conseil.

Later work

As we update our products with this new functionality we look to the community for feedback on the next set of features for ConseilJS. We always welcome feedback, be it questions, issues, or pull requests. Find us on GitHub.

Breaking News

Before this article even went live, there was one more release of ConseilJS to address a problem a developer was having. They mentioned their troubles on Riot and a few hours later there was 0.4.2-beta.0.

