Why Making Long-Term Goals is a Shitty Idea

Now vs. Later

John Cabral
2 min readDec 27, 2013

Making long-term goals for yourself is usually a shitty thing to do. Now, I did say, USUALLY, a shitty thing to do. Hear me out…

I’m talking about big goals. Future goals. Goals that need a lot of time and investment.

What I don’t like about them, is that you’re basically making this decision to do something way into the future. Like, “I want to write a book by next year.” That sounds great. But what sort of problems can happen when you give yourself a long-term goal?

If you don’t succeed, one thing that can happen is depression. People put meaning into what they do. Sometimes too much. I like putting meaning into the things I do, but I don’t put all my meaning into it. Actually, maybe the problem is that I don’t put enough meaning into what I do. Either way, people become way too attached to an outcome that may or may not happen. Not worth it!

Another problem with long-term goals is that it may not let you evolve or change. What happens if your goal isn’t something you want anymore? It goes back to being attached to your goal, but is still something to consider. It’s the opposite of “failing”. The problem is possibly succeeding at something you may not want anymore. But you do it anyway because you put so much time into it. That’s not a great idea!

Another reason is because it’s a long-term goal! You take all these little steps daily to reach a bigger goal later. I think we all forget a bigger picture here. What about today? What about now?

I recently read James Altucher’s wonderful book, Choose Yourself. To break it down for you, it’s James’ story of how he had failed and pissed away everything over and over again because he wasn’t realizing the big picture. It’s about being yourself. Loving yourself. Choosing yourself.

Living in the present is the single most important thing anyone can do. Reflecting and being grateful for the people in your life daily is a fantastic practice. Wake up and think of how you can help someone that day. How about that for a goal? Help someone… TODAY.

I’m not saying long-term goals will ruin your life. But, I will say that long-term goals seem to be sending the wrong idea for people. Be able to explore everyday like it’s a whole new start. Be able to change and evolve. Don’t let an idea that you once had rule what you are doing in the present. Do positive things. Spread love. Help someone. Help yourself.

Just don’t plan to do it tomorrow.

