How Can Transformation Lift Patients, Populations and Outcomes?

HIMSS22 Conference Session Summary

StartingUpGood Magazine
3 min readApr 27, 2022


This article is part of an extended series summarizing discussions at recent healthcare conferences about improving health equity through technology. This session summary contains details on the HIMSS22 Conference. You can read our conference overview and find links to all articles here.

Learn more about StartingUpGood’s Health + Equity + Tech Project.

How Can Transformation Lift Patients, Populations and Outcomes?


Healthcare trickled outside the hospital walls for a time but more recently it’s become a tidal wave. From at-home monitoring to telemedicine and even simple text messaging, the industry has become woven into daily lives. In this session, learn how leaders at leading innovation labs around the country are working to improve outcomes, population health and the way healthcare is being delivered.


Key Points

Developing Technology

  • Digital transformations never stop. There have and continue to be incremental, progressive movements over long periods of time.
  • We continue to pound away at incentives to use technology without adding burden to healthcare providers. It’s not just about buying and installing software; the technology needs to drive organizational improvement.
  • It’s important to involve patients in the design of the health system and products.

COVID-19 Impact

  • It will take a couple of years for things to settle down from COVID, like after the financial crisis in 2008.
  • Healthcare put in a lot of scaffolding to deal with the immediate impacts of COVID, but it might not be the right scaffolding.
  • We are now diving into what’s the steady state, and we will design for that to get the ideal patient experience.
  • Health disparities became more apparent during COVID.
  • Issues of digital equity (access to broadband) and digital literacy (ability to use technology or access support) showed that not everyone was starting from an equal playing field.
  • We continue to explore and develop ways to garner insights gained from COVID data to improve intractable health issues.

Access to Care

  • Since COVID, we now have completely different care pathways, or how patients can and want to access care.
  • Technology can improve access to care by helping people make good choices about how they prefer to receive care.
  • Telehealth is currently being studied to better understand its impact on health outcomes. Telehealth is here to stay, so we need to make sure it works as well as it possibly can.

Importance of Building Trust

  • There are choice, comfort, and trust issues to address as healthcare moves to more digital platforms.
  • We need to ensure people are still able to trust the system even when you have less face-to-face interaction with your care team.

You can read a summary of all our 2022 healthcare conference coverage here, or check out specific coverage of each conference:

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